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TopAxisLabel/BottomAxisLabel how to position?

gmencz opened this issue · comments

The README says you can use TopAxisLabel / BottomAxisLabel to show labels of min and max but how would we figure out the x position of the min and max and then position it next to the graph's highest/lowest?


#4 :-)

this is how i did mine

export const AxisLabel = ({ value, index, arrayLength }): JSX.Element => {
  const textColor = useColorScheme() === "dark" ? "#fff" : "#000"
  const location =
    (index / arrayLength) * (Dimensions.get("window").width - 40) || 0
  return (
    value && (
      <View style={{ transform: [{ translateX: Math.max(location - 40, 5) }] }}>
        <Text color={textColor}>{`$${value.toFixed(6)}`}</Text>

in this functional component, you need to provide:

  • value - the point's value
  • arrayLength - the array's length
  • index - the array index of the point