margaretmz / esrgan-e2e-tflite-tutorial

ESRGAN E2E TFLite Tutorial

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Error on Android when creating interpreter with "esrgan.tflite with metadata"

margaretmz opened this issue · comments

@khanhlvg - please see Android error below when creating interpreter with esrgan.tflite with metadata.

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Internal error: Cannot create interpreter: Didn't find op for builtin opcode 'CONV_2D' version '5'

Screen Shot 2020-07-21 at 8 47 24 PM

@margaretmz do you mind adding me as a collaborator to the repo so that I can add in the notebook there? I would do it essentially by creating a PR if you would prefer that.


@margaretmz The error caused by the fact that the model contains ops that are not supported yet by your TF Lite interpreter. The root cause is because the model converted was converted using tf-nightly build but you are likely using TF Lite 2.2 or an stale version of nightly build.

There are two ways to fix:

  1. Convert the model using TF 2.2. Just remove the step of installing tf-nightly in Sayak's notebook
  2. Or use TFLite nightly in your Android app. Please clear your Gradle cache to make sure that the app is not using a stale version of TF Lite nightly.
dependencies {
    implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:0.0.0-nightly'

@margaretmz do you mind adding me as a collaborator to the repo so that I can add in the notebook there? I would do it essentially by creating a PR if you would prefer that.

Added both you and Khanh as collaborator.

The error caused by the fact that the model contains ops that are not supported yet by your TF Lite interpreter. The root cause is because the model converted was converted using tf-nightly build but you are likely using TF Lite 2.2 or an stale version of nightly build.

I re-created the tflite model to use TF 2.2.0 and the error went away.

Regarding the version mismatch, what's the best way to communicate it to the end-user of the tflite models - Android devs?
It's really annoying if one needs to search for the error solution online. I propose that:

  • we shouldn't use the tf-nightly for creating tflite models unless we absolutely must.
  • include the tf & tflite version in the model metadata
  • document the solution somewhere like on the metadata page about this potential issue.

@margaretmz the steps you proposed sound good to me except there are actually some models where you need to use tf-nightly. For example, when I was creating the style transfer models I had to use tf-nightly because the stable variant won't support an operation called MirrorPad. Similarly, if we want to use dynamic shapes then also using tf-nightly is a must at least for now (tf 2.3 also supports it).

@sayakpaul, sounds good - understand sometimes we must use tf-hightly in model conversion; and that's where bullet point 2 & 3 above can help communicate it. By default, the tflite version gets added (from model import by ML Model Binding) in Android is the latest stable version. Since there may be some time lag between model conversion and implementation in Android, I think it's a good practice to include the tflite version (used for conversion) in the model metadata.

I agree. Could you mention a code listing that would allow us to specify the TFLite version in the metadata?

There is currently no dedicated place to put such info in the metadata. So I'd just include it in the description for now. Something like this:
model_meta.description = ("Enhanced super-res GAN for improving image quality. Model converted with TFLiteConverter from TF 2.2.0")

Let's wait to see what @khanhlvg thoughts on this discussion, and whether there should a dedicated field for this.

Sounds good. I will update the other ones accordingly after this. Only the models that cannot be converted without using tf-nighly would be affected. Shouldn't be a big change.

@khanhlvg I was able to get an output image with the model, but the output has this weird red color. Do I need to do any special post processing?


@margaretmz did you resize the input image with bicubic interpolation? This is a requirement since the model was trained on bicubically downsampled images. The preprocessing steps can be found in the load_img() function in this notebook. The postprocessing steps are tf.cast(tf.clip_by_value(output, 0, 255), tf.uint8).


As @sayakpaul point out, the model requires input image to be float in [0.0, 255.0] instead of normalized to [0.0, 1.0]. I think the normalization value in the model metadata could be incorrect, creating the issue with the color.

Yes the normalization range should have been [0.0, 255.0]. I fixed the metadata and now it's working as expected: