marcusolsson / obsidian-projects

Plain text project planning in Obsidian

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Scrollable Field Modal

ggstrader opened this issue · comments

What would you like to be added?

The modal that opens when hiding fields can't be scrolled when you've got a crap ton of fields. It would benefit from a scrollbar.

side note: maybe all of these fields should be off by default so it doesn't take forever to render the view until you've disabled most fields.

Why is this needed?

My personal use case is that the MediaDB plugin fetches a bunch of data from OMDB, so each of my media notes have a ton of fields, with some of them being different and stacking the total. I can't exclude many of them because I can't scroll the modal and turn off the bottom fields.

Although uncommon, this affects anyone that creates a project encompassing several types of notes, since all of their fields show up. Maybe others won't have notes with 20+ fields, but they may have 10 different kinds of notes each with 3-5 fields.