marcusolsson / obsidian-projects

Plain text project planning in Obsidian

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Clickable http/https links inside a view

AzadKshitij opened this issue · comments

What would you like to be added?

I would like to have my links added in YAML to be clickable inside table, gallery view.


Make this YouTube link be clickable.

Why is this needed?

It will be easier to get what you need and not to go to each file just to open a link.

You can do this already, but it's a bit hidden 😅

  1. From a Table view, select the three dots icon in the youtube column, and then select Configure field.
  2. Select Enable rich text formatting.
  3. Select Save.

Enabling rich text formatting should work across views. We should let the user open the Configure field modal from the other views as well.

Oh! Thanks I just implemented similar by my self... XD