marcoturi / ionic-boilerplate

✨ An Ionic Starter kit featuring Tests, E2E, Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, Gitlab CI, Automatic IPA and APK, TypeScript 2, TsLint, Codelyzer, Typedoc, Yarn, Rollup, and Webpack 2

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Angular Language Services

mohammedzamakhan opened this issue · comments

I started using this boilerplate, but I do not see that angular language service is working in my vscode for this project. It does work for a project that I created using angular-cli.

surprisingly it also works on projects generated using simple ionic commands 😢

It probably depends on ionic version, just update it. Angular language service didn't work properly before angular 4.0.2

I am using "ionic-angular": "3.2.0"

I will give a look in the next days ;)

I updated the repo dependencies and in Webstorm I don't have any problem with angular language service. I'm closing for now, if you or someone else have any problems yet I will re-open.