marcoturi / ionic-boilerplate

✨ An Ionic Starter kit featuring Tests, E2E, Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, Gitlab CI, Automatic IPA and APK, TypeScript 2, TsLint, Codelyzer, Typedoc, Yarn, Rollup, and Webpack 2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unit tests broken

ryaa opened this issue · comments


I cloned and installed everything according to quick start instructions

# Required dependecies (on Mac Os also install ios-sim and ios-deploy)
npm i -g cordova ionic yarn
gem install scss_lint

# Clone the repo --depth 1 removes all but one .git commit history
git clone --depth 1

# Change directory
cd ionic2-boilerplate

# Install project dependencies
npm run post-install

# Launch ionic serve
npm run dev

When i tried to run unit tests I got the below error

Alexs-MacBook-Pro:ionic2-boilerplate alexryltsov$ npm run test

> ionic2-boilerplate@0.17.0 test /Users/alexryltsov/Git/ionic2-boilerplate
> bnr test

running better-npm-run in /Users/alexryltsov/Git/ionic2-boilerplate
Executing script: test

to be executed: karma start
03 01 2017 17:39:34.900:ERROR [plugin]: Error during loading "/Users/alexryltsov/Git/ionic2-boilerplate/node_modules/karma-phantomjs-launcher" plugin:
  Path must be a string. Received null


webpack: bundle is now VALID.
webpack: bundle is now INVALID.

I'm not able to re-produce this issue. However after same search i found this. TL;DR; Removing the yarn cache (~/Library/Caches/Yarn on MacOS, ~/.cache/yarn on Linux) and deleting the node_modules folder fix this error. Let me know if you still encounter this problem.