marcotcr / anchor

Code for "High-Precision Model-Agnostic Explanations" paper

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Sp anchor

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Hello Marco,

Could you provide more details on how to use the SP anchor. Also how will the precision and coverage be defined in case of SP -anchor ?

It only really makes sense for tabular data, where you can compute coverage / precision on held out data.
Take a look at this. It's very simple: given a list of anchors, see where they apply, and greedily pick the anchor that increases total coverage the most.

Thanks for the answer Marco, However what should be the list of anchors ?. Do we compute list of anchors separately and then pass them as a list or is there a function to automatically pick the best list of anchors ?

Hello Marco, Any help on the above issue will be greatly appreciated.

If you have a validation dataset (data), just compute anchors for each element and put them in a separate list explanations. The submodular procedure will take this list and pick the best k (default 5), where 'best' is defined as 'maximum coverage'.