marcosnasp / arquillian-h2database-testcase

Arquillian H2Database Testcase using DataSet YAML files to validate queries against the in memory H2Database

Repository from Github https://github.commarcosnasp/arquillian-h2database-testcaseRepository from Github https://github.commarcosnasp/arquillian-h2database-testcase

Solving absense maven-eclipse-plugin version´s

marcosnasp opened this issue · comments

due to missing of maven-eclipse-plugin version´s, my mvn -U clean install introduces errors on build process. It´s necessary a full pom revision and corrections to achieve the solving of this issue.

The log shows me too, the follow error:

[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] \Users\Home\development\git\arquillian-h2database-testcase\test-case\src\main\java\org\example\producers\[3,30] error: package javax.enterprise.inject does not exist
[ERROR] \Users\Home\development\git\arquillian-h2database-testcase\test-case\src\main\java\org\example\producers\[16,5] error: cannot find symbol

error in The tag of cdi-api as test. Therefore, the errors appears in the compile and install in maven repo.
