marcopollivier / marcopollivier.hugo

Projeto Hugo para meu site pessoal na internet.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Marco Paulo Ollivier - Personal website

This is Marco's personal page repo.

This repository is only Hugo's structure project. The static files can be find here

Run locally

To view the site locally, install Hugo and run a local server with the following command:

hugo server -v -w -t=hugo-coder
hugo server -v -w -t=hugo-coder --config=config_en.toml

Current theme

Hugo Theme Coder

Download project

To download correctly this project it's a necessary clone with recursive flag $ git clone --recurse-submodules

Other informations

About icons see this page


Projeto Hugo para meu site pessoal na internet.


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