marcomq / nimview

A Nim/Webview based helper to create Desktop/Server applications with Nim/C/C++ and HTML/CSS

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Unicode support in release mode

kac- opened this issue · comments


In minimal example
When I change proc to include polish ł instead of l:

proc echoAndModify(value: string): string =
  result = "'" & value & "' modified by minimał"

In dev mode (browser) it works fine but in release mode (standalone) alert box shows:

Backend replies with content-type: application/json, maybe explicit charset would fix it: content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8.


Thx for adding this issue.

maybe explicit charset would fix it: content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8.

I guess charset=utf-8 doesn't fix the issue, right?
Not sure if sending html entities like ä would fix the issue.

Currently, I'm not really working much on nimview. I found tuari and it seems to be more mature. I'm mostly waiting for them to have some nim FFI.
But I would merge a PR (and maybe perform a simple code change), if you found some solution for this.


Tauri is much heavier but it is what it is, nimview is still v. nice tool for quick click/show/modify.
If I find a way then PR for sure.