marcomo / token-generator

Node scripts for generating color and typography tokens from a set of primitive values.

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Token Generator

A tool for experimenting with color and typographic tokens and generating output for use in coded implementations.

🚧 This is a work-in-progress project. See the Todos list for what's done and what's to come.

How it works

This tool uses Style Dictionary to generate tokens in target formats from token files. This is similar to the Style dictionary Playground but with the addition of an interface to generate the base tokens.


The tokens directory contains files that are compiled with tsc then processed by Style Dictionary to generate the target output (currently SCSS).

Style Dictionary is configured to pick up any file matching dist/tokens/**/*.tokens.js.

Each category of tokens uses helper functions to generate the tokens file from a configuration.

  • createTypeScale(options) - Generates an array of font sizes from a set of options
  • createTypeScaleTokens(typeScale) - Generates the typescale tokens input for use by Style Dictionary
  • createColorProgressionTokens(options) - Generates the color tokens input for use by Style Dictionary




A TypeScaleOptions object

interface TypeScaleOptions = {
  baseSize: number
  factor: number
  minSize?: number
  maxSize?: number
  roundBeforeInterval?: number
  roundAfterInterval?: number


baseSize (required)

The font size used as the base for the typescale calculations.



Additional details

The baseSize is not necessarily the first size in the progression. You can have a minSize lower than the baseSize which will result in typescale sizes lower than the baseSize.

The baseSize will always be within the typescale.

factor (required)

The amount to scale each level within the typescale.



Additional details

The factor is use to calculate the next font size in the typescale.

  nextFontSize = previousFontSize * factor

The smallest allowable font size in the typescale.



Additional details

The minSize is not guaranteed to be in the final typescale. The factor and roundBeforeInterval may cause it to not be included.

// This config will not include the minSize in the typescale
  baseSize: 20,
  factor: 1.25,
  minSize: 12,
  maxSize: 72,
  roundBeforeInterval: 8,
  roundAfterInterval: 8

// results in typescale
[16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64]

The largest allowable font size in the typescale.



Additional details

The maxSize is not guaranteed to be in the final typescale. The factor and roundAfterInterval may cause it to not be included.

In the example above for minSize, the maxSize is not included in final typescale.


The interval between sizes below the base size.



IAdditional detailsfo

When the factor is applied, it will likely generate a float. For example,

// This config
  baseSize: 16,
  factor: 1.25,
  minSize: 12,
  maxSize: 72,
  roundBeforeInterval: 4,
  roundAfterInterval: 8

  // returns this typescale without rounding
    // 4 values prior
    11.24, 12.64, 14.22,
    // baseSize
    // 13 values prior
    18, 20.25, 22.78, 25.63,
    28.83, 32.43, 36.48, 41.04,
    46.17, 51.94, 58.43, 65.73,

Rounding is applied to give us whole integer font sizes. roundBeforeInterval controls the rounding of numbers prior to the baseSize. After rounding, the final typescale is shorter:

  // 1 value prior
  // baseSize
  // 7 values after
  24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72

The interval between sizes above the base size.



Additional details

roundBeforeInterval controls the rounding of numbers prior to the baseSize.

See the example above in roundBeforeInterval to see how rounding is applied.



// Using the default options, returns
[12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 48, 52, 60, 64, 72, 84, 92]





A tokens object

// Using the default options, returns
  size: {
    '12': { value: '0.75rem' },
    '16': { value: '1rem' },
    '20': { value: '1.25rem' },
    '24': { value: '1.5rem' },
    '28': { value: '1.75rem' },
    '32': { value: '2rem' },
    '36': { value: '2.25rem' },
    '40': { value: '2.5rem' },
    '48': { value: '3rem' },
    '52': { value: '3.25rem' },
    '60': { value: '3.75rem' },
    '64': { value: '4rem' },
    '72': { value: '4.5rem' },
    '84': { value: '5.25rem' },
    '92': { value: '5.75rem' },
    base: { value: '{font.size.16}' }



This function uses the tinycolor2 package to apply color adjustments and generate new colors in a progression.


A BaseColorsOptions object

type ColorAdjustment =
  | number
  | number[]
  | ((levels: number[], index: number, options: BaseColorsOptions) => number)

type BaseColorsOptions = {
  baseColor: string
  baseColorIndex: number
  levelsCount: number
  baseColorKey?: string
  startLevel?: number
  levelGap?: number
  lightdark?: ColorAdjustment
  saturate?: ColorAdjustment
  desaturate?: ColorAdjustment
  spin?: ColorAdjustment
  greyscale?: boolean
  tokens?: TokenDictionary


baseColor (required)

The color used as the base for the color progression.

Accepted colors: hex, 8-digit hex, rgb(a), hsl(a), hsv(a), or named color. rgb(a), hsl(a), hsv(a) accept object input.

baseColorIndex (required)

The position of the baseColor in the final progresson.

levelsCount (required)

The number of colors in the progression.


A key to use for the base color in place of the key generated from the level. For example,

export const color = {
  neutral: createColorProgressionTokens({
    baseColor: '#4b5055',
    baseColorIndex: 6,
    baseColorKey: 'dark',
    levelsCount: 7,
    lightdark: [64, 56, 48, 24, 16, 8, 0],

// returns
  color: {
    neutral: {
      '100': { value: '#f2f3f4' },
      '200': { value: '#dddfe1' },
      '300': { value: '#c7cace' },
      '400': { value: '#868d94' },
      '500': { value: '#717980' },
      '600': { value: '#5e646b' },
      'dark': { value: '#4b5055' }

The color level at which the progression starts.




The numeric gap between color levels in the progression.



Additional details
export const color = {
  neutral: createColorProgressionTokens({
    baseColor: '#4b5055',
    baseColorIndex: 6,
    levelGap: 10,
    startLevel: 10,
    levelsCount: 7,
    lightdark: [64, 56, 48, 24, 16, 8, 0],

// returns
  color: {
    neutral: {
      '10': { value: '#f2f3f4' },
      '20': { value: '#dddfe1' },
      '30': { value: '#c7cace' },
      '40': { value: '#868d94' },
      '50': { value: '#717980' },
      '60': { value: '#5e646b' },
      '70': { value: '#4b5055' }

The light/dark color adjustment to apply between levels. Can be a number from 0 to 100.


0 (no adjustment)

Additional details

Lighten and darken transformations are mutually exclusive. Otherwise they would cancel each other out. Lightening is only applied when the color's index is less than the baseColorIndex. Darkening is only applied when the color's index is greater than the baseColorIndex. The base color never gets transformed.

A number >= 100 will produce white for lightening and black for darkening.

Acceptable argument types


The adjustment is applied evenly throughout the progression.


The number sharing the same index as the color level is used as the adjustment.

(levels, index, options) => number

A function that returns a number. Function includes parameters

  • levels: number[] - The calculated level number, eg. [100, 200, 300]
  • index: number - The index of the level being adjusted.
  • options: BaseColorOptions - The options object passed to createColorProgressionTokens

The saturation color adjustment to be applied between levels. Can be a number from 0 to 100.


0 (no saturation)

Additional details

A number >= 100 will produce a fully saturated color.


The desaturation color adjustment to be applied between levels. Can be a number from 0 to 100.


0 (no desaturation)

Additional details

A number >= 100 will produce a fully desaturated greyscale color.


The hue adjustment to be applied between levels. Can be a number from -360 to 360.


0 (no hue adjustment)

Additional details

The numbers 0, -360, and 360 will result in no hue adjustment being applied to the color level.


A boolean that, when set as true, will make all colors on the progression greyscale.



Additional details

When true, greyscale-ing is applied after all other color adjustments and will replace the desaturate option.


Any manually created tokens to be added to the returned tokens object.



Additional details

Any token provided with a matching key will replace any generated by createColorProgressionTokens.


A tokens object

// This config for a blue progression
const progressionConfig = {
  baseColor: '#1157f7',
  baseColorIndex: 3,
  levelsCount: 7,
  lightdark: (levels, index, { baseColorIndex: bi }) => {
    const adjustment = (0.85 / levels.length) * 100
    return index < bi ? adjustment * (bi - index) : adjustment * (index - bi)

// export name serves as the root key
export const color =  {
  progression: createColorProgressionTokens(progressionConfig)

// returns
  'color': {
    'progression': {
      '100': {'value': '#c6d6fc'},
      '200': {'value': '#8bacf9'},
      '300': {'value': '#5083f6'},
      '400': {'value': '#1157f7'},
      '500': {'value': '#0a41c0'},
      '600': {'value': '#072d85'},
      '700': {'value': '#04194a'}
// This config for a red progression
const redConfig = {
  baseColor: '#C63454',
  levelsCount: 3,
  baseColorIndex: 1,
  lightdark: [8, 0, 10],
  saturate: 12,

// Style Dictionary will merge any tokens under an existing key
export const color = {
  red: createColorProgressionTokens(redConfig)

// returns
  'color': {
    'red': {
      '100': {'value': '#d44f6c'},
      '200': {'value': '#c63454'},
      '300': {'value': '#a02742'}

How adjustments are applied

  .desaturate(greyscale ? 100 : desaturation)

Node demo script

npm run demo

This script will run a sample token generation for colors and typescale. It logs configurations, token objects, and SCSS output.


  • Add Typescale to UI
    • Load fonts from Google
    • Add font-family selector
    • Add font weight slider for variable fonts
    • Add font weight radio group for fixed weight fonts
    • Add typscale config form
    • Add typescale preview showing each font size in the scale with value and example
    • add histogram of typescale to illustrate its progression
  • Add color progression UI
    • Add an 'add' color button with color picker
    • Add color pregression config form
      • Add inputs for all configurable options
  • Add configuration panel (showing schema of configuration as JSON)
  • Add token output panel
  • Add output formats selector (Sass, CSS Variables, iOS, Android)
  • Add download button to download output in chosen format(s)
  • Add option to save configuration
    • Add option to save to cache
    • Add option to save to file
  • Add option to upload a configuration
  • Give UI a proper design (Figma)
  • Add tests
    • Add unit test for createTypeScale
    • Add unit test for createTypeScaleTokens
    • Add unit test for createColorProgressionTokens
    • Add integration tests for components


Node scripts for generating color and typography tokens from a set of primitive values.


Language:TypeScript 99.1%Language:HTML 0.9%