marcldo / bill-ionaire

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Create React Express App

Company: Bill-ionaire

Application: Bill Tracker Web App

Demographics: Young Adults/ New Parents from the ages of 25-40

Group Members: Christine, Poonam, Marc, Wajiha

Real world utility:

Finance is an important topic in everyone’s lives, we have decided to develop a tool that will help specifically young adults, new parents and families because within these type of milestones, settling into a career, buying a house, starting a family, all requires money management. And while most people have learnt these financial literacy skills through budgeting and tracking their expenses from their first jobs in teenage years to various degrees of partial dependencies in college years, if they went to college. Or whether the individual has just worked right after high school or dropped out early. It is no doubt that financial knowledge and managing money are key skills to financial security and/or a freer quality of life. For specifically new parents – life may get unexpected, with waking up in different hours of the night, on the go – work schedules and still being able to catch up with social circles, family and co-workers. Keeping organized can be difficult and our company provides a mobile friendly, desktop-friendly, super easy, light-weight, on the go UI, that automates and reminds you about your monthly expenses and bills. Sources show that family financial difficulties come with insufficient knowledge about their ongoing finances (Bryce and Jyoti, 2010). Research also shows that having discussions with your significant other about finances is difficult but these transparent conversations and positive financial behaviors despite being married or not, are associated with higher levels of relationship satisfaction and becoming closer as couples are able to navigate making financial decisions together securely (Melissa et al, 2018). With that being said, our application allows for both parties to be alerted specifically on, outgoing expenses – bill tracking. Simple, easy and straight to the point. It tracks both variable and fixed expenses but gives an estimate of how much money you will have going out each month. By focusing on this bill portion, the simple displayed knowledge will give people the power to be informed – with increased consumer debt, and unemployment rates (Bryce and Jyoti, 2010), we believe that our clients should be informed right away about their money going out. And this should set precedence, on paying bills on time (giving them a great credit score), give them a sense of reality about how much money they truly have after their pay cheque comes in and to make future more informed financial decisions about big purchases (no you don’t need that Mercedes to keep up with the joneses) and which next career move to make to live comfortably and give you peace of mind.

Our Competitors:

TD My Spend App This app real-time tracks your spending from your bank account to an app on your phone Mint an app that gives you a full glance of your financial health – spending accounts, investments, loans, assets, liabilities Prism Pay Bills Paying bill phone app

How we differentiate from our competitors:

We offer both mobile and web application More simple UI More down to the basics – just bill tracking and we do it really well Most of our competitors have heavy financial application that take a lot of time to initiate and have to connect it with financial institutions which can be unsafe We just want our customers focus on their expenses and bills

Use Cases

User can log in User can register User can make a bill User can view the main dashboard User can delete a bill User can create/update a bill User can view past bills The user gets a notification before a bill is due

Technologies Used

Node.js, MySql, React.js NPM packages: bcryptjs, express, express-session, mysql2, passport, passport-local, sequelize



Language:JavaScript 68.8%Language:TSQL 16.1%Language:CSS 8.0%Language:HTML 7.2%