marcelklehr / browser-stream

Node.js streams in your browser

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Node.js streams in your browser

Node's new stream API is awesome. Now, you can enjoy it in your browser, too!


component install marcelklehr/browser-stream


Just require('stream') as usual, and do awesome stuff, as usual.

var stream = require('stream')

Currently available are

  • stream.Readable
  • stream.Writable
  • stream.Duplex
  • stream.Transform

Warning: Currently all streams are in object mode only. I might get around to have a look at how to implement BUffers in the browser, but right now all I need is object mode. If you'd like to add support for buffers, feel free to wrap up a pull request!

Warning: Some parts of the code might be redundant or simply useless due to my hacking around -- you might want to fix that by minifying teh codez.


  1. If this works in IE, let me know.
  2. Incidentally, this seems to be a good js benchmarking tool. Firefox seems to be about 10x slower than chrome, btw.
  3. I built this for telepath


Node.js streams in your browser


Language:JavaScript 100.0%