maquintoch / homelab-services

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About my Homelab Setup


Services I use in my Lab:

Services that I bring up using Docker Compose

Service Name Description
traefik Reverse proxy/load balancer with Let's Encrypt for TLS Certs
tailscale VPN for remote access to my homelab
portainer Docker/Kubernetes Management Platform/UI
pihole DNS server and ad-blocker
passbolt Self Hosted Password/Secrets Manager
db MariaDB for Passbolt password manager
jenkins Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) server
prometheus Monitoring and alerting system (How I scrape metrics)
grafana Data visualization and analytics platform (Dashboards)
cloudflare-tunnel Cloudflare tunnel for secure access to some applications

Bring up all services

  1. Create a .env file based on the .env_template file.
cp env_template .env
  1. Modify the values of each environment variable to whats suitable for your environment.
vi .env
  1. Bring up all services with docker-compose up
docker-compose up -d

Got errors? Troubleshoot based on the error messages! This is a complex setup, likely it is better for you to start from scratch, and copy/paste components of my setup into your own setup. I suggest bringing up one service at a time, then adding on things like Traefik.
