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mapnik-render reports "Error Not a map file. Node 'Map' not found." on OpenStreetMap maps

MarioTrams opened this issue · comments


I wanted to try to render a map using the command-line "mapnik-render" tool. However, it is telling me always
Error Not a map file. Node 'Map' not found.

I'm using this under Ubuntu 20.04 and the version of mapnik-render is 3.0.23 (shown by mapnik-render -V).

I'm calling this like:
mapnik-render --xml andorra-latest.osm --img test.png

andorra-latest.osm was just a (small) original map I used for testing. I tried also maps exported from the OpenStreetMap website or extracted via osmosis. It's never working. For big maps it's eating up gigabytes of data only to tell me this error message.....

Any ideas?


Normal, you are mixing things. You provide an input with XML from datasource (an OSM file) whereas you should provide an XML with Mapnik XML file. As you can see in my sample, there is a Map block whereas the osm file does not contain this block hence the error you mentioned

Error Not a map file. Node 'Map' not found.

A minimum recipe that works

echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Map srs="+init=epsg:4326">
  <Style name="Default Style">
      <PolygonSymbolizer fill="#f2eff9" />
      <LineSymbolizer stroke="rgb(50%,50%,50%)" stroke-width="0.1" />
  <Layer name="world" srs="+init=epsg:4326">
    <StyleName>Default Style</StyleName>
      <Parameter name="file">ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp</Parameter>
      <Parameter name="type">shape</Parameter>
      <Parameter name="encoding">utf-8</Parameter>
</Map>' > demo.xml

# Below line due to issue with
# Fix with trick from to make output works
mkdir -p plugins && ln -s $(mapnik-config --input-plugins) plugins/input
mapnik-render demo.xml out.png

Ok, thanks! I got the point. There is some wrapper needed that is linking the actual map. The example is working for me. Obviously there are some more changes needed in order to process OpenStreetMap maps, but I'm one step further.....

@mathisloge Thanks! I'll check that.