mapnik / mapnik-packaging

DEPRECATED packaging utilities for mapnik dependencies

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

expat support broken on linux

springmeyer opened this issue · comments

Looks like it should work:

$ ogrinfo --formats
Supported Formats:
  -> "ESRI Shapefile" (read/write)
  -> "MapInfo File" (read/write)
  -> "VRT" (readonly)
  -> "Memory" (read/write)
  -> "CSV" (read/write)
  -> "GPX" (read/write)
  -> "KML" (read/write)
  -> "GeoJSON" (read/write)
  -> "OpenFileGDB" (readonly)

But it does not work:

$ ogrinfo ~/tilelive-omnivore/node_modules/mapnik-test-data/data/gpx/fells_loop.gpx 
ERROR 6: OGR/GPX driver has not been built with read support. Expat library required
Unable to open datasource `/home/ubuntu/tilelive-omnivore/node_modules/mapnik-test-data/data/gpx/fells_loop.gpx' with the following drivers.
  -> ESRI Shapefile
  -> MapInfo File
  -> VRT
  -> Memory
  -> CSV
  -> GPX
  -> KML
  -> GeoJSON
  -> OpenFileGDB