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Images fail to load on Mapillary JS - Request limit?

johnaidenrohde opened this issue · comments

Basic information

Interesting image loading issue. After about 20 minutes of use - maybe 2,000 or so Mapillary images viewed, we find that all Mapillary images cease loading. My guess is that Mapillary is imposing a request limit, but I can't find any documentation on this.

Note : This bug was encountered by Safety in Numbers analysts and has only been seen on our system to date. I haven't had time yet to setup a clean Mapillary JS instance and confirm the behavior, but I wanted to post just in case there was a simple fix.

Any ideas?

MapillaryJS version: v4.0.0
System/Browser: Google Chrome Version 96.0.4664.45 (Official Build) (64-bit), Microsoft Edge Version 95.0.1020.53 (Official build) (64-bit)

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Open the Mapillary JS implementation on
  2. Open any Mapillary sequence by selecting a green dot on the map
  3. Hit the >, play button, on the Mapillary JS viewer
  4. Continue to play through sequences until the error occurs - typically this requires several thousand images.

Expected behavior

Images should continue to load without error.

Actual behavior

Images stop loading.

Additional information

After about 20 minutes of use - maybe 2,000 or so Mapillary images viewed, we find that all mapillary images cease loading and we get the following error messages:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at ',comp…erge_cc,mesh,quality_score,sfm_cluster,thumb_1024_url,thumb_2048_url,width' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: It does not have HTTP ok status.

mapillary.module.js:85439 Failed to cache image (568070274306488). MapillaryError: Failed to fetch data
    at chunk-vendors.843f91ed.js:38
(anonymous)	@	mapillary.module.js:85439…mb_2048_url,width:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED

mapillary.module.js:82228 Uncaught (in promise) MapillaryError: Failed to fetch data
    at chunk-vendors.843f91ed.js:38

This is what it looks like from within our app.


I am taking over this code from the original developer, and I am Vue novice but it seems to be a verily vanilla implementation of the Mapillary JS viewer v4. All our code for this project is open source and I believe the majority of the API interface occurs here:

What is frustrating about this particular error is that it seems to be time based. 30 minutes later the same, user, without refreshing, can load the images that threw errors before. Refreshing the page does not fix the issue, nor does clearing cookies, switching browsers, switching IP addresses or switching computers.

Once the user is able to review images the following error are thrown, which may be related:

Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.

Uncaught (in promise) CancelMapillaryError: Request aborted by a subsequent request to id 223465049110163.
    at QO._abortRequest (mapillary.module.js:86675)
    at QO.moveTo$ (mapillary.module.js:86588)
    at rR.moveTo (mapillary.module.js:87714)
    at Imagery.vue:158
    at u (runtime.js:63)
    at Generator._invoke (runtime.js:293)
    at (runtime.js:118)
    at n (asyncToGenerator.js:3)
    at s (asyncToGenerator.js:25)
    at asyncToGenerator.js:32

Thanks for reporting, we will investigate if this is related to request limits.

I actually experienced this too. After loading too many images some users experience black screen and the same error in the console. I use it on -> "start playing" -> "Start Game"

This issue is still occuring on February 2024. I can confirm that everything the reporter of this issue described has been occuring to me since I recently discovered and started using Mapillary.