mapbox / node-mbtiles

mbtiles utility, renderer, and storage backend for tilelive

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MBtiles caching

edpop opened this issue · comments

I host mbtiles with tilelive + mbtiles. When I update .mbtiles file, server returns an old tiles, even if I delete .mbtiles file. I can't find any info, how to prevent caching.
In the docs: file will be cached only if we use new sqlite3.cached.Database(), but you use new sqlite3.Database() ( So I can't understand, why the file is cached and how to prevent it.

You'll need to debug your setup: node-mbtiles does not cache output, but there's probably some part of your stack that does. Only you will have direct access to your configuration.

Here is a full reproduce


node -v # v6.9.1
npm install mbtiles@0.9.0
npm install @mapbox/tilelive@5.12.3
const MBTiles = require('mbtiles');
const tilelive = require('@mapbox/tilelive');
const http = require('http');


tilelive.load('mbtiles://./sample.mbtiles', function (err, source) {
	if (err) throw err;

	http.createServer(function (req, res) {
		source.getTile(14, 14195, 6012, function (err, tile, headers) {
			if (err) {
			} else {


curl localhost:1234 # {pbf binary content} - OK
mv sample.mbtiles _sample.mbtiles
curl localhost:1234 # {pbf binary content} - FAIL

{reload server}

curl localhost:1234 # Tile does not exist - OK

I noticed the same issue. I can remove the .mbtiles file but node-mbtiles is still able to serve the data. If this module does not do any caching, could it be the sqlite3 module?

The problem is that I have another process which replaces the mbtiles file every now and then. However, the changes do not become visible before the serving process is restarted.

SQLite documentation states: "The default suggested cache size is -2000, which means the cache size is limited to 2048000 bytes of memory." However, setting this cache size to zero did not change the behavior.

Another point is that in Unix-systems, the database will still have the open handle for the removed file. So, as long the database is open, SQLite will have access to it although the file is deleted.

OK, if I truncate the existing mbtiles files to be empty, I can confirm that the data will disapper regardless of the cache size. Updating the mbtiles file requires truncating the existing file and then appending new data to that file.

My workaround is:

setInterval(function () {
	tilelive.load(mbtResources['traffic'], function (err, source) {
		if (err) throw err;
		mbtSources['traffic'] = source;
}, 60 * 1000);

Remaking traffic data by tippecanoe every minute by another process.