maowug / enumeratum

A type-safe, reflection-free, powerful enumeration implementation for Scala with exhaustive pattern match warnings and helpful integrations.

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Enumeratum is a type-safe and powerful enumeration implementation for Scala that offers exhaustive pattern match warnings, integrations with popular Scala libraries, and idiomatic usage that won't break your IDE. It aims to be similar enough to Scala's built in Enumeration to be easy-to-use and understand while offering more flexibility, type-safety (see this blog post describing erasure on Scala's Enumeration), and richer enum values without having to maintain your own collection of values.

Enumeratum has the following niceties:

  • Zero dependencies
  • Performant: Faster thanEnumeration in the standard library (see benchmarks)
  • Allows your Enum members to be full-fledged normal objects with methods, values, inheritance, etc.
  • ValueEnums that map to various primitive values and have compile-time uniqueness constraints.
  • Idiomatic: you're very clearly still writing Scala, and no funny colours in your IDE means less cognitive overhead for your team
  • Simplicity; most of the complexity in this lib is in its macro, and the macro is fairly simple conceptually
  • No usage of reflection at run time. This may also help with performance but it means Enumeratum is compatible with ScalaJS and other environments where reflection is a best effort (such as Android)
  • No usage of synchronized, which may help with performance and deadlocks prevention
  • All magic happens at compile-time so you know right away when things go awry
  • Comprehensive automated testing to make sure everything is in tip-top shape

Compatible with Scala 2.11+ and 2.10 as well as ScalaJS.

Integrations are available for:

Table of Contents

  1. Quick start
  2. SBT
  3. Usage
  4. More examples
  5. Enum 1. Mixins
  6. ValueEnum
  7. ScalaJS
  8. Play integration
  9. Play JSON integration
  10. Circe integration
  11. UPickle integration
  12. ReactiveMongo BSON integration
  13. Argonaut integration
  14. Slick integration
  15. Benchmarking

Quick start


In build.sbt, set the Enumeratum version in a variable (for the latest version, set val enumeratumVersion = the version you see in the Maven badge above).

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "com.beachape" %% "enumeratum" % enumeratumVersion

Enumeratum has different integrations that can be added to your build à la carte. For more info, see the respective sections in the Table of Contents


Using Enumeratum is simple. Just declare your own sealed trait or class A that extends EnumEntry and implement it as case objects inside an object that extends from Enum[A] as shown below.

import enumeratum._

sealed trait Greeting extends EnumEntry

object Greeting extends Enum[Greeting] {

   `findValues` is a protected method that invokes a macro to find all `Greeting` object declarations inside an `Enum`

   You use it to implement the `val values` member
  val values = findValues

  case object Hello extends Greeting
  case object GoodBye extends Greeting
  case object Hi extends Greeting
  case object Bye extends Greeting


// Object Greeting has a `withName(name: String)` method

// => res0: Greeting = Hello

// => java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Haro is not a member of Enum (Hello, GoodBye, Hi, Bye)

Note that by default, findValues will return a Seq with the enum members listed in written-order (relevant if you want to use the indexOf method).

More examples


Continuing from the enum declared in the quick-start section:

import Greeting._

def tryMatching(v: Greeting): Unit = v match {
  case Hello => println("Hello")
  case GoodBye => println("GoodBye")
  case Hi => println("Hi")

Pattern match warning ...

<console>:24: warning: match may not be exhaustive.
It would fail on the following input: Bye
       def tryMatching(v: Greeting): Unit = v match {


// => res2: Int = 3

The name is taken from the toString method of the particular EnumEntry. This behavior can be changed in two ways.

Manual override of name

The first way to change the name behaviour is to manually override the def entryName: String method.

import enumeratum._

sealed abstract class State(override val entryName: String) extends EnumEntry

object State extends Enum[State] {

   val values = findValues

   case object Alabama extends State("AL")
   case object Alaska extends State("AK")
   // and so on and so forth.

import State._


Mixins to override the name

The second way to override the name behaviour is to mixin the stackable traits provided for common string conversions, Snakecase, Uppercase, and Lowercase.

import enumeratum._
import enumeratum.EnumEntry._

sealed trait Greeting extends EnumEntry with Snakecase

object Greeting extends Enum[Greeting] {

  val values = findValues

  case object Hello extends Greeting
  case object GoodBye extends Greeting
  case object ShoutGoodBye extends Greeting with Uppercase




Asides from enumerations that resolve members from String names, Enumeratum also supports ValueEnums, enums that resolve members from simple values like Int, Long, Short, Char, Byte, and String (without support for runtime transformations).

These enums are not modelled after Enumeration from standard lib, and therefore have the added ability to make sure, at compile-time, that multiple members do not share the same value.

import enumeratum.values._

sealed abstract class LibraryItem(val value: Int, val name: String) extends IntEnumEntry

case object LibraryItem extends IntEnum[LibraryItem] {

  case object Book extends LibraryItem(value = 1, name = "book")
  case object Movie extends LibraryItem(name = "movie", value = 2)
  case object Magazine extends LibraryItem(3, "magazine")
  case object CD extends LibraryItem(4, name = "cd")
  // case object Newspaper extends LibraryItem(4, name = "newspaper") <-- will fail to compile because the value 4 is shared

  val five = 5
  case object Article extends LibraryItem(five, name = "article") <-- will fail to compile because the value is not a literal

  val values = findValues


assert(LibraryItem.withValue(1) == LibraryItem.Book)

LibraryItem.withValue(10) // => java.util.NoSuchElementException:


  • ValueEnums must have their value members implemented as literal values.


In a ScalaJS project, add the following to build.sbt:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "com.beachape" %%% "enumeratum" % enumeratumVersion

As expected, usage is exactly the same as normal Scala.

Play Integration

The enumeratum-play project is published separately and gives you access to various tools to help you avoid boilerplate in your Play project.


For enumeratum with full Play support:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "com.beachape" %% "enumeratum" % enumeratumVersion,
    "com.beachape" %% "enumeratum-play" % enumeratumVersion

Note that as of version 1.4.0, enumeratum-play for Scala 2.11 is compatible with Play 2.5+ while 2.10 is compatible with Play 2.4.x. Versions prior to 1.4.0 are compatible with 2.4.x.



The included PlayEnum trait is probably going to be the most interesting as it includes a bunch of built-in implicits like Json formats, Path bindables, Query string bindables, and Form field support.

For example:

package enums._

import enumeratum._

sealed trait Greeting extends EnumEntry

object Greeting extends PlayEnum[Greeting] {

  val values = findValues

  case object Hello extends Greeting
  case object GoodBye extends Greeting
  case object Hi extends Greeting
  case object Bye extends Greeting


  Then make sure to import your PlayEnums into your routes in your Build.scala
  or build.sbt so that you can use them in your routes file.

  `routesImport += "enums._"`

// You can also use the String Interpolating Routing DSL:

import play.api.routing.sird._
import play.api.routing._
import play.api.mvc._
Router.from {
    case GET(p"/hello/${Greeting.fromPath(greeting)}") => Action {


There are IntPlayEnum, LongPlayEnum, and ShortPlayEnum traits for use with IntEnumEntry, LongEnumEntry, and ShortEnumEntry respectively that provide Play-specific implicits as with normal PlayEnum. For example:

import enumeratum.values._

sealed abstract class PlayLibraryItem(val value: Int, val name: String) extends IntEnumEntry

case object PlayLibraryItem extends IntPlayEnum[PlayLibraryItem] {

  // A good mix of named, unnamed, named + unordered args
  case object Book extends PlayLibraryItem(value = 1, name = "book")
  case object Movie extends PlayLibraryItem(name = "movie", value = 2)
  case object Magazine extends PlayLibraryItem(3, "magazine")
  case object CD extends PlayLibraryItem(4, name = "cd")

  val values = findValues


import play.api.libs.json.{ JsNumber, JsString, Json => PlayJson }
PlayLibraryItem.values.foreach { item =>
    assert(PlayJson.toJson(item) == JsNumber(item.value))


PlayEnum extends the trait PlayFormFieldEnum wich offers formField for mapping within a object.


object GreetingForm {
  val form = Form(
      "name" -> nonEmptyText,
      "greeting" -> Greeting.formField

  case class Data(
    name: String,
    greeting: Greeting)

Another alternative (if for example your Enum can't extend PlayEnum or PlayFormFieldEnum) is to create an implicit Format and bring it into scope using Play's of, i.e.


object Formats {
  implicit val greetingFormat = enumeratum.Forms.format(Greeting)

object GreetingForm {
  import Formats._
  val form = Form(
        "name" -> nonEmptyText,
        "greeting" -> of[Greeting]
    case class Data(
      name: String,
      greeting: Greeting)



The enumeratum-play-json project is published separately and gives you access to Play's auto-generated boilerplate for JSON serialization in your Enum's.


libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "com.beachape" %% "enumeratum" % enumeratumVersion,
    "com.beachape" %% "enumeratum-play-json" % enumeratumVersion

Note that as of version 1.4.0, enumeratum-play for Scala 2.11 is compatible with Play 2.5+ while 2.10 is compatible with Play 2.4.x. Versions prior to 1.4.0 are compatible with 2.4.x.



For example:

import enumeratum.{ PlayJsonEnum, Enum, EnumEntry }

sealed trait Greeting extends EnumEntry

object Greeting extends Enum[Greeting] with PlayJsonEnum[Greeting] {

  val values = findValues

  case object Hello extends Greeting
  case object GoodBye extends Greeting
  case object Hi extends Greeting
  case object Bye extends Greeting



There are IntPlayJsonEnum, LongPlayJsonEnum, and ShortPlayJsonEnum traits for use with IntEnumEntry, LongEnumEntry, and ShortEnumEntry respectively. For example:

import enumeratum.values._

sealed abstract class JsonDrinks(val value: Short, name: String) extends ShortEnumEntry

case object JsonDrinks extends ShortEnum[JsonDrinks] with ShortPlayJsonValueEnum[JsonDrinks] {

  case object OrangeJuice extends JsonDrinks(value = 1, name = "oj")
  case object AppleJuice extends JsonDrinks(value = 2, name = "aj")
  case object Cola extends JsonDrinks(value = 3, name = "cola")
  case object Beer extends JsonDrinks(value = 4, name = "beer")

  val values = findValues


import play.api.libs.json.{ JsNumber, JsString, Json => PlayJson, JsSuccess }

// Use to deserialise numbers to enum members directly
JsonDrinks.values.foreach { drink =>
    assert(PlayJson.toJson(drink) == JsNumber(drink.value))
assert(PlayJson.fromJson[JsonDrinks](JsNumber(3)) == JsSuccess(JsonDrinks.Cola))



To use enumeratum with Circe:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "com.beachape" %% "enumeratum" % enumeratumVersion,
    "com.beachape" %% "enumeratum-circe" % enumeratumVersion

To use with ScalaJS:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "com.beachape" %%% "enumeratum" % enumeratumVersion,
    "com.beachape" %%% "enumeratum-circe" % enumeratumVersion



import enumeratum._

sealed trait ShirtSize extends EnumEntry

case object ShirtSize extends CirceEnum[ShirtSize] with Enum[ShirtSize] {

  case object Small extends ShirtSize
  case object Medium extends ShirtSize
  case object Large extends ShirtSize

  val values = findValues


import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.syntax._

ShirtSize.values.foreach { size =>
    assert(size.asJson == Json.fromString(size.entryName))


import enumeratum.values._

sealed abstract class CirceLibraryItem(val value: Int, val name: String) extends IntEnumEntry

case object CirceLibraryItem extends IntEnum[CirceLibraryItem] with IntCirceEnum[CirceLibraryItem] {

  // A good mix of named, unnamed, named + unordered args
  case object Book extends CirceLibraryItem(value = 1, name = "book")
  case object Movie extends CirceLibraryItem(name = "movie", value = 2)
  case object Magazine extends CirceLibraryItem(3, "magazine")
  case object CD extends CirceLibraryItem(4, name = "cd")

  val values = findValues


import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.syntax._

CirceLibraryItem.values.foreach { item =>
    assert(item.asJson == Json.fromInt(item.value))



To use enumeratum with uPickle:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "com.beachape" %% "enumeratum" % enumeratumVersion,
    "com.beachape" %% "enumeratum-upickle" % enumeratumVersion

To use with ScalaJS:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "com.beachape" %%% "enumeratum" % enumeratumVersion,
    "com.beachape" %%% "enumeratum-upickle" % enumeratumVersion


UPickleEnum works pretty much the same as CirceEnum and PlayJsonEnum variants, so we'll skip straight to the ValueEnum integration.

import enumeratum.values._

sealed abstract class ContentType(val value: Long, name: String) extends LongEnumEntry

case object ContentType
    extends LongEnum[ContentType]
    with LongUPickleEnum[ContentType] {

  val values = findValues

  case object Text extends ContentType(value = 1L, name = "text")
  case object Image extends ContentType(value = 2L, name = "image")
  case object Video extends ContentType(value = 3L, name = "video")
  case object Audio extends ContentType(value = 4L, name = "audio")


import upickle.default.{ readJs, writeJs, Reader, Writer }
enum.values.foreach { entry =>
  val written = writeJs(entry)
  assert(readJs(written) == entry)

ReactiveMongo BSON

The enumeratum-reactivemongo-bson project is published separately and gives you access to ReactiveMongo's auto-generated boilerplate for BSON serialization in your Enum's.


libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "com.beachape" %% "enumeratum" % enumeratumVersion,
    "com.beachape" %% "enumeratum-reactivemongo-bson" % enumeratumVersion



For example:

import enumeratum.{ ReactiveMongoBsonEnum, Enum, EnumEntry }

sealed trait Greeting extends EnumEntry

object Greeting extends Enum[Greeting] with ReactiveMongoBsonEnum[Greeting] {

  val values = findValues

  case object Hello extends Greeting
  case object GoodBye extends Greeting
  case object Hi extends Greeting
  case object Bye extends Greeting



There are IntReactiveMongoBsonValueEnum, LongReactiveMongoBsonValueEnum, and ShortReactiveMongoBsonValueEnum traits for use with IntEnumEntry, LongEnumEntry, and ShortEnumEntry respectively. For example:

import enumeratum.values._

sealed abstract class BsonDrinks(val value: Short, name: String) extends ShortEnumEntry

case object BsonDrinks extends ShortEnum[BsonDrinks] with ShortReactiveMongoBsonValueEnum[BsonDrinks] {

  case object OrangeJuice extends BsonDrinks(value = 1, name = "oj")
  case object AppleJuice extends BsonDrinks(value = 2, name = "aj")
  case object Cola extends BsonDrinks(value = 3, name = "cola")
  case object Beer extends BsonDrinks(value = 4, name = "beer")

  val values = findValues


import reactivemongo.bson._

// Use to deserialise numbers to enum members directly
BsonDrinks.values.foreach { drink =>
  val writer = implicitly[BSONWriter[BsonDrinks, BSONValue]]

  assert(writer.write(drink) == BSONInteger(drink.value))

val reader = implicitly[BSONReader[BSONValue, BsonDrinks]]

assert( == BsonDrinks.Cola)



To use enumeratum with Argonaut:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "com.beachape" %% "enumeratum" % enumeratumVersion,
    "com.beachape" %% "enumeratum-argonaut" % enumeratumVersion



import enumeratum._

sealed trait TrafficLight extends EnumEntry
object TrafficLight extends Enum[TrafficLight] with ArgonautEnum[TrafficLight] {
  case object Red    extends TrafficLight
  case object Yellow extends TrafficLight
  case object Green  extends TrafficLight
  val values = findValues

import argonaut._
import Argonaut._

TrafficLight.values.foreach { entry =>
    assert(entry.asJson == entry.entryName.asJson)


import enumeratum.values._

sealed abstract class ArgonautDevice(val value: Short) extends ShortEnumEntry
case object ArgonautDevice
    extends ShortEnum[ArgonautDevice]
    with ShortArgonautEnum[ArgonautDevice] {
  case object Phone   extends ArgonautDevice(1)
  case object Laptop  extends ArgonautDevice(2)
  case object Desktop extends ArgonautDevice(3)
  case object Tablet  extends ArgonautDevice(4)

  val values = findValues

import argonaut._
import Argonaut._

ArgonautDevice.values.foreach { item =>
    assert(item.asJson == item.value.asJson)

Slick integration

Slick doesn't have a separate integration at the moment. You just have to provide a MappedColumnType for each database column that should be represented as an enum on the Scala side.

For example when you want the Enum[Greeting] defined in the introduction as a database column, you can use the following code

  implicit lazy val greetingMapper = MappedColumnType.base[Greeting, String](
    greeting => greeting.entryName,
    string => Greeting.withName(string)

You can then define the following line in your Table[...] class

  // This maps a column of type VARCHAR/TEXT to enums of type [[Greeting]]
  def greeting = column[Greeting]("GREETING")

If you want to represent your enum in the database with numeric IDs, just provide a different mapping. This example uses the enum of type LibraryItem defined in the introduction:

  implicit lazy val libraryItemMapper = MappedColumnType.base[LibraryItem, Int](
    item => item.value,
    id => LibraryItem.withValue(id)

Again you can now simply use LibraryItem in your Table class:

  // This maps a column of type NUMBER to enums of type [[LibaryItem]]
  def item = column[LibraryItem]("LIBRARY_ITEM")

Note that because your enum values are singleton objects, you may get errors when you try to use them in Slick queries like the following:

.filter(_.productType === ProductType.Foo)`

This is because ProductType.Foo in the above example is inferred to be of its unique type (ProductType.Foo) rather than ProductType, thus causing a failure to find your mapping. In order to fix this, simply assist the compiler by ascribing the type to be ProductType:

.filter(_.productType === (ProductType.Foo: ProductType))`

If you want to use slick interpolated SQL queries you need a few additional implicits.

implicit val greetingGetResult: GetResult[Greeting] = new GetResult[Greeting] {
  override def apply(positionedResult: PositionedResult): Greeting = Greeting.withName(positionedResult.nextString())

implicit val greetingOptionGetResult: GetResult[Option[Greeting]] = new GetResult[Option[Greeting]] {
  override def apply(positionedResult: PositionedResult): Option[Greeting] = positionedResult.nextStringOption().flatMap(Greeting.withNameOption)

implicit val greetingSetParameter: SetParameter[Greeting] = new SetParameter[Greeting] {
  override def apply(value: Greeting, positionedParameter: PositionedParameters): Unit =

implicit val greetingOptionSetParameter: SetParameter[Option[Greeting]] = new SetParameter[Option[Greeting]] {
  override def apply(value: Option[Greeting], positionedParameter: PositionedParameters): Unit =
    positionedParameter.setStringOption( => value.entryName))


Benchmarking is in the unpublished benchmarking project. It uses JMH and you can run them in the sbt console by issuing the following command from your command line:

sbt +benchmarking/'jmh:run -i 10 -wi 10 -f3 -t 1'

The above command will run JMH benchmarks against different versions of Scala. Leave off + to run against the main/latest supported version of Scala.

On my late 2013 MBP using Java8 on OSX El Capitan:

[info] Benchmark                                            Mode  Cnt     Score    Error  Units
[info] EnumBenchmarks.indexOf                               avgt   30    11.203 ±  0.094  ns/op
[info] EnumBenchmarks.withNameDoesNotExist                  avgt   30  1706.295 ± 35.134  ns/op
[info] EnumBenchmarks.withNameExists                        avgt   30    12.753 ±  0.162  ns/op
[info] EnumBenchmarks.withNameOptionDoesNotExist            avgt   30     5.827 ±  0.039  ns/op
[info] EnumBenchmarks.withNameOptionExists                  avgt   30     8.824 ±  0.067  ns/op
[info] StdLibEnumBenchmarks.withNameDoesNotExist            avgt   30  1743.530 ± 49.402  ns/op
[info] StdLibEnumBenchmarks.withNameExists                  avgt   30    52.960 ±  1.745  ns/op
[info] values.ValueEnumBenchmarks.withValueDoesNotExist     avgt   30  1730.819 ± 37.693  ns/op
[info] values.ValueEnumBenchmarks.withValueExists           avgt   30     3.671 ±  0.033  ns/op
[info] values.ValueEnumBenchmarks.withValueOptDoesNotExist  avgt   30     5.199 ±  0.044  ns/op
[info] values.ValueEnumBenchmarks.withValueOptExists        avgt   30     5.861 ±  0.050  ns/op


Other than the methods that throw NoSuchElementExceptions, performance is in the 10ns range (taking into account JMH overhead of roughly 2-3ns), which is acceptable for almost all use-cases. PRs that promise to increase performance are expected to be demonstrably faster.

Also, Enumeratum's withName is faster than the standard library's Enumeration, by around 4x in the case where an entry exists with the given name. My guess is this is because Enumeratum doesn't use any synchronized calls or volatile annotations. It is also faster in the case where there is no corresponding name, but not by a significant amount, perhaps because the high cost of throwing an exception masks any benefits.


A type-safe, reflection-free, powerful enumeration implementation for Scala with exhaustive pattern match warnings and helpful integrations.

License:MIT License


Language:Scala 100.0%