maoosi / prisma-appsync

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Issue: fields with `@default` should appear as required `!` in generated GraphQL schema base type (1.0.0-rc.4)

StephanDecker opened this issue · comments

Given the following model

model Priority {
    id              String           @id @default(uuid())
    name            String           @unique

The generated graphql type is

type Priority {
    id: String
    name: String!

ID isn't marked as mandatory - in 1.0.0-rc.3 it was still correct. Thanks for your support!


That might be intentional since you're assigning a default value in case it's not filled out? What happens if you remove the @default directive?

Thanks for your comment: Indeed - if I remove the @default(uuid()) directive the id is mandatory again.
However, I don't think it's intentional because if you look at the getPriority resp. listPriorities query the return type is Priority. And we know there is an ID in the Priority type.
Also prisma states that the ID cannot be optional:

	# Find a single Priority record by unique identifier.
	getPriority(where: PriorityWhereUniqueInput!): Priority

	# Find many Priority records (optional query filters).
		where: PriorityWhereInput
		orderBy: [PriorityOrderByInput]
		skip: Int
		take: Int
	): [Priority]

Does that make sense?


That's because when you use @default, the ID field is autofilled if it's empty on creation... So the GraphQL schema follows along with that behavior. If you try using the generated Prisma client with your Priority model and the @default directive, you'll see that Prisma lets you create a model without specifying your ID field, too.

I'm not sure what is your issue here?

For the creation the Priority type isn't used as an input but the input type PriorityCreateInput.
That has also changed from (1.0.0-rc.3)

input PriorityCreateInput {
    name: String!

to (1.0.0-rc.4)

input PriorityCreateInput {
    id: String
    name: String!

But for that both is fine for me.
Coming back to your question: The issue is that I use the generated graphql schema to generate TS types out of it, see:
Now the autogenerated Priority TS type has an optional id so that the TS compiler complains which I can understand ;-) because every Priority record has an id by definition and isn't undefined.
That are only types so I can overwrite that I just wanted to let you know.

Fix will be released as part of 1.0.0-rc.5.