maoosi / prisma-appsync

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Issue: Nested CreateWithout[Relation]Input requires mandatory ID fields despite create or connectOrCreate usage

StephanDecker opened this issue · comments

Great work! Before updating to the official 1 release it worked smoothly. After updating it seems that ID fields that are auto-populated by the database are mandatory when executing the create* mutations. That means: When creating a record I have to handover the id although the id is autogenerated in the database:
Here is the example:


model Phase {
    id            String          @id @default(uuid())
    name          String          @unique

generated schema.gql (using 1.0.0-rc.5):

input PhaseCreateInput {
	name: String!

generated schema.gql (after upgrade to 1.0.1):

input PhaseCreateInput {
    id: String!
    name: String!

Could you fix that? Thanks!

PS: That issue has been already solved in an earlier version: #62

Thanks @StephanDecker ! Using v1.0.1, with the below Prisma model:

model Phase {
    id   String @id @default(uuid())
    name String @unique

The GraphQL output I get is:

input PhaseCreateInput {
    id: String
    name: String!

Which is expected to both allow you to create with or without specifying id.

What version of Prisma Client are you using? (it should display when running npx prisma generate)

Yes, depending on the field definition (e.g. autoincrement or uuid) it should create the record with or without specifying id.

In my example it should be:

input PhaseCreateInput {
	name: String!

That has been already been implemented in a nice way before, see this commit:
Or this code here:

private isFieldImmutable(searchField: DMMF.Field): boolean {
const defaultValue: any = searchField?.default || null
return (
defaultValue?.name === 'autoincrement'
|| defaultValue?.name === 'uuid'
|| searchField.isUpdatedAt
|| ['updatedAt', 'createdAt'].includes(

But I don't know where to put it now (after the refactoring) ;-)

Version details:
Prisma Client (v5.7.1)
Prisma-AppSync (1.0.1)

Hey @StephanDecker, not having id entirely in the output was a mistake that's been fixed as part of the v1.0.0 release.

However, you should be able to create a record with or without specifying id.

On my end, the generated GraphQL output is the correct one:

input PhaseCreateInput {
    id: String
    name: String!

The above allows you to either specify or omit id entirely.

Could you please double-check that the output on your end is id: String! and not id: String as in my example above?

Sorry, you are completely right. I tried to simplify the problem which is different and didn't work. Unfortunately it's more complicated.
Let's say you have these models:

model ExampleTable {
    id       String     @id @default(uuid())
    refTable RefTable[]

model RefTable {
    id                   String             @id @default(uuid())
    downstreamRefTable   DownstreamRefTable @relation(fields: [downstreamRefTableId], references: [id])
    downstreamRefTableId String
    exampleTable         ExampleTable       @relation(fields: [exampleTableId], references: [id])
    exampleTableId       String

model DownstreamRefTable {
    id       String     @id @default(uuid())
    name     String     @unique
    refTable RefTable[]

It will generate this in schema.gql

type Mutation {
      data: ExampleTableCreateInput!
  ): ExampleTable!
input ExampleTableCreateInput {
    id: String
    refTable: ExampleTableRefTableCreateNestedInput
input ExampleTableRefTableCreateNestedInput {
    connect: [RefTableWhereUniqueInput!]
    create: [RefTableCreateWithoutExampleTableInput!]
    connectOrCreate: [RefTableConnectOrCreateWithoutExampleTableInput!]

input RefTableCreateWithoutExampleTableInput {
    id: String
    downstreamRefTable: RefTableDownstreamRefTableCreateNestedInput
    downstreamRefTableId: String!

The downstreamRefTableId: String! is now mandatory but it shouldn't because we have the downstreamRefTable as a reference (either by connect, create or connectOrCreate).

Got it! @StephanDecker could you please install prisma-appsync@1.0.2-preview.1 and let me know if that resolves the issue on your end?

To clarify, this issue is specifically about the requirement of mandatory ID fields in the nested CreateWithout[Relation]Input, even when using connect or connectOrCreate, correct? This isn't related to the @default directives or the CreateInput itself?

You can have a look at the fix here: e1a4ea7

Thanks a lot for the quick fix!!

To clarify, this issue is specifically about the requirement of mandatory ID fields in the nested CreateWithout[Relation]Input, even when using connect or connectOrCreate, correct? This isn't related to the @default directives or the CreateInput itself?

Exactly, it's about the mandatory ID fields in the nested CreateWithout[Relation]Input. Sorry for the confusion before, I mixed that up. I tested the prisma-appsync@1.0.2-preview.1 fix and the errors are gone. :-)

Thanks for confirming @StephanDecker! Fix was released as part of v1.0.2.