manyuanrong / dso

Simple Orm library for Deno based on deno_mysql

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multiple database driver adaptations to do list

manyuanrong opened this issue · comments

In order to achieve multiple database driven adaptation, we need to implement the following

  • src/drivers/base.ts Unified interface definition
  • src/drivers/mysql.ts MySQL adapter based on base.ts
  • src/drivers/postgres.ts Postgres adapter based on base.ts
  • src/dso.ts Do not import any driver, dynamically import the driver through the parameter of connect
  • mysql.ts At the same level as mod.ts, the export directly imports dso of MySQL driver
  • postgres.ts At the same level as mod.ts, the export directly imports dso of Postgress driver

This would be amazing!

Do you have anything you have done, so I can take it from there, you can share the code in a feature branch if you wouldn't commit on master so I can finish it? @manyuanrong?

@tksilicon The items in the todo list are still not in progress. If you want, I can add you as a collaborator.

You can @manyuanrong. This issue can be resolved in a week or two. I very much am interested in this project. It has been a learning opportunity for me.

@tksilicon I have sent an invitation. I hope to do this work on a new branch and finally merge into master

Definitely. It will be a new branch by me to merge into master by you. @manyuanrong