manyuanrong / dso

Simple Orm library for Deno based on deno_mysql

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NOT NULL not working

loic-roux-404 opened this issue · comments


First, thanks for you work it's a very useful and well builded tool.

When i use a model with for example

class UserModel extends BaseModel {
    type: FieldType.INT,
    primary: true,
    length: 11,
    autoIncrement: true,
  id!: number;

  @Field({ type: FieldType.STRING, length: 30 })
  name!: string;

  @Field({ type: FieldType.STRING, length: 30 })
  familyName!: string;

  @Field({ type: FieldType.STRING, length: 30 })
  email!: string;

  @Field({ type: FieldType.STRING, length: 30 })
  token?: string;

  @Field({ type: FieldType.STRING, length: 30 })
  secret!: string;

  @Field({ type: FieldType.BOOLEAN })
  isValid!: boolean;

And i insert the object

payload = {
      name: 'toto'

const id = await model.insert(payload);

Error isn't throwed instead fields like secret, token are required with the !

Because you use "!" to declare that the field is not nullable, so you should also ensure that the field value is passed when inserting. If you want to declare an empty field, you should use "?" instead of "!"

Thanks, it's not the behaviour i used to...