manufactured-solutions / MASA

Method of Manufactured Solutions Repository

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Design high-level API for distribution verification

nicholasmalaya opened this issue · comments

Random series of notes:

I believe this smasa capability should be the flagship addition to MASA 0.42.0

As discussed during the GLOBAL EVENT of SMASACON2013, this project will likely take the form of a simple gaussian for the first implementation, followed by more exotic distributions.

If I had my druthers, I would hope we can create similar APIs for the current MASA
interface in sMASA, namely masa_eval_likelihood, masa_eval_prior, etc.

Finally, we need to publish this shit, because it is where no man has gone before.

@nicholasmalaya Let's make some plays on this soon.

@nicholasmalaya Did you mean to mention @dmcdougall instead? :)

I was hoping it would email me, since I use my inbox to control my workflow.