manuelbieh / react-ssr-setup

React Starter Project with Webpack 4, Babel 7, TypeScript, CSS Modules, Server Side Rendering, i18n and some more niceties

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export * from 'some file' not working properly.

AndriiUhryn opened this issue · comments

only first export is working fine but all the rest is not included in the file export and returning undefined.

if having this structure in index.js file

export * from './FAQ';
export * from './Root';
export * from './Press';
export * from './Forgot';
export * from './Contact';
export * from './Privacy';
export * from './NotFound';
export * from './MyProfile';
export * from './ForMuseums';
export * from './EmailError';
export * from './EmailSuccess';
export * from './ForGalleryOwners';
export * from './OverGalleryViewer';
export * from './TermsAndConditions';

And then I am able to import only first file somehow, all the rest are undefined.

I know that this is an issue with the latest babel 7 but not sire how to properly solve it.