manuelbieh / react-ssr-setup

React Starter Project with Webpack 4, Babel 7, TypeScript, CSS Modules, Server Side Rendering, i18n and some more niceties

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RomanBON opened this issue · comments

Hi! Thank you so much for this boilerplate!

What do think about loadable-components?
It will be so helpful if you integrate this functionality!

Best regards!

Have a look at the TODO list:

I considered using react-loadable or react-universal-component but decided against that because of the introduction of the native implementation of React.lazy that comes without any additional overhead. The only downside for the moment is, that there is no server side support for React.Suspense yet.

Feel free to use loadable-components (or any of the other approaches) in your projects but I don't see the necessity to add it to this starter project due to the foreseeable release of server side support for React.lazy and React.Suspense.