manolomartinez / greg

A command-line podcast aggregator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Front Cover Tag

JoooostB opened this issue · comments

I'm able to tag my podcasts, but can't figure out how to add a Front Cover image to the downloaded files. Can you help me out?

Hi, the library we use for tagging, stagger, does not support this, I think. But it's pretty easy to do in greg, using a download handler:

Suppose you have eyeD3 installed. Then you could do something like this. First, you create an albumart script (which you need to make executable, and place it somewhere in your PATH) with something like

wget $1 -O $2/$3.mp3
eyeD3 --add-image $4:OTHER $2/$3.mp3

And then, in your greg.conf,


downloadhandler = albumart {link} {directory} {filename_title} /path/to/album_art.jpg

This setup would download your podcasts using wget and then add the album art using eyeD3

While the above will work, I have just learned from stagger's dev that this library does support album arts. I'll try to expose that functionality through greg too.

Thank you very much for the detailed instructions, really appreciate it :)

Now that greg uses eyeD3 instead of stagger, can you reopen this, @manolomartinez?

Thanks for reminding me. If you feel like submitting a PR that'd be great. Otherwise I'll try to get to it as soon as I can.

@sabberworm, could you please check whether the above PR works?