manolomartinez / greg

A command-line podcast aggregator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Not all feeds works, ie soundcloud feeds, it seems

rosell-dk opened this issue · comments

The following sound cloud feed doesn't work:

greg add feed1
greg check -f feed1

Result: Nothing

Actually, I don't have much luck in finding feeds that works.
The following doesn't work either:

The PhilosophyBites feed however works fine.

I'm assuming the feeds cannot be parsed due to some unsupported syntax.

A workaround could be to transform the feed into something that greg can work with

You get no results, no error, nothing?

Correct. Does these URLs work for you?

No, they throw an SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERiFY_FAILED error. Where do these urls come from?

For example here: also links to soundcloud

So you see a failure? But SSL certificate is deemed valid by Chrome

I'm on the hunt for a service for transforming feeds on the fly.
I found, which can convert feed to json like this:

If I can just find a reverse service...

So you see a failure? But SSL certificate is deemed valid by Chrome

Sorry, that had nothing to do with the feeds we were discussing. Now apparently urllib has decided it cannot trust anything or anyone :/ Let me fix that first and I'll get back to this issue.

So sorry. It was a typo - I entered the wrong URL!