manojbadam / docker-dgoss

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dgoss for Docker

Goss is an yaml based serverspec alternative which runs tests against infrastucture and checks the system configuration. This is similar to Inspec/Rspec tests we run in Chef

Dgoss is a wrapper for goss, which runs tests againat Docker image. It can be used in TDD (Test driven development), to make sure the docker image is properly configured.


Dgoss has to be installed on local machine, we cannot skip the installation with a docker image.

curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/dgoss
chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/dgoss

Dgoss also needs Goss binary to perform the actual tests, remember dgoss is just a thin wrapper to the Docker images.

curl -L -o ~/Downloads/goss-linux-amd64
export GOSS_PATH=~/Downloads/goss-linux-amd64

Make sure to add th GOSS_PATH environment variable to your ~/.bashrc so to autoload the Path

Test if dgoss setup is done

dgoss run

Testing a sample Docker image

ln -s jenkins-goss.yaml goss.yaml
dgoss run -e JENKINS_OPTS="--httpPort=8080 --httpsPort=-1" -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1048m" jenkins:alpine

This commands runs a new jenkins container and run tests sepcified in jenkins-goss.yaml

Waiting for container to be up

By default, goss starts the container and immediately runs the goss tests. At times we might need to wait for few processes inside the container to be up and run the tests. In thoses scenarios, goss-wait.yaml can be used. Lets try to run the waited tests for Jenkins, instead of running tests right way, we can wait till the process is up.

unlink goss.yaml
ln -s jenkins-slow-goss.yaml goss.yaml
ln -s jenkins-slow-goss-wait.yaml goss_wait.yaml
dgoss run -e JENKINS_OPTS="--httpPort=8080 --httpsPort=-1" -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1048m" jenkins:alpine
Sample Logs
INFO: Starting docker container
INFO: Container ID: a3de9636
INFO: Found goss_wait.yaml, waiting for it to pass before running tests
INFO: Sleeping for 0.2
INFO: Container health
PID                 USER                TIME                COMMAND
27718               1000                0:00                /bin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/
27755               1000                0:30                java -Xmx1048m -jar /usr/share/jenkins/jenkins.war --httpPort=8080 --httpsPort=-1
INFO: Running Tests
File: /var/jenkins_home/copy_reference_file.log: exists: matches expectation: [true]
File: /var/jenkins_home/copy_reference_file.log: mode: matches expectation: ["0644"]
File: /var/jenkins_home/copy_reference_file.log: owner: matches expectation: ["jenkins"]
File: /var/jenkins_home/copy_reference_file.log: group: matches expectation: ["jenkins"]
File: /var/jenkins_home/copy_reference_file.log: filetype: matches expectation: ["file"]
File: /var/jenkins_home/copy_reference_file.log: contains: matches expectation: [/^INSTALLED/]
Title: Checking that $JENKINS_OPTS and $JAVA_OPTS are in the ps line
Command: ps -eo args | grep java: exit-status: matches expectation: [0]
Command: ps -eo args | grep java: stdout: matches expectation: [/jenkins.war\s*--httpPort=8080 --httpsPort=-1/ /java\s*-Xmx1048m\s*-jar/]
HTTP: http://admin:9d5abebc1abf45dab4d82ae221bb7bf3@localhost:8080: status: matches expectation: [200]
HTTP: http://admin:9d5abebc1abf45dab4d82ae221bb7bf3@localhost:8080: Body: matches expectation: [SetupWizard]

Total Duration: 0.139s
Count: 10, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0
INFO: Deleting container

Testing a Sample Dockerfile based Image

Build the docker image

cd Dockerfile-example
docker build -t alpine-test .

Here we are installing two packages curl and net-tools of specific version.

Goss.yaml has the sample test cases to test the installed packages and their versions

Testing by specifying all packages

    installed: true
      - "7.65.1-r0"
    installed: true
      - "1.60_git20140218-r2"
dgoss run alpine-test

Testing by looping through Packages locally

  {{- range mkSlice "curl" "net-tools" }}
      installed: true
dgoss run alpine-test

Testing by looping through local variable and using if/else condition

  {{- range mkSlice "curl" "net-tools" }}
      installed: true
        {{if eq . "curl"}}
        - "7.65.1-r0"
        {{if eq . "net-tools"}}
        - "1.60_git20140218-r2"


  {{- range mkSlice "curl" "net-tools" }}
      installed: true
      versions: {{if eq . "curl"}} ["7.65.1-r0"] {{else}} ["1.60_git20140218-r2"] {{end}}
dgoss run alpine-test

Testing by looping through variable of packages

    - "7.65.1-r0"
    - "1.60_git20140218-r2"
{{range $name, $vers := .Vars.packages}}
    installed: true
    {{range $vers}}
      - {{.}}
export GOSS_VARS=vars.yaml
dgoss run alpine-test

Testing a sample Web server

This is a sample Nodejs Docker image with Rest API. And the goss file shows the proper way of testing Docker Image.

  1. Build the docker image
cd sample-webserver
docker build -t sample-webserver .

Goss.yaml has the sample test cases to test the files, port, API and binary versions

Testing the application files are copied well

    exists: true
    exists: true
    exists: true
    filetype: directory
dgoss run sample-webserver

Testing the application dependancies are installed

export GOSS_VARS=package.json
{{range $name, $val := .Vars.dependencies}}
  /app/node_modules/{{ $name }}:
    exists: true
    filetype: directory
dgoss run sample-webserver

Testing the application binaries and versions

    exists: true
    owner: root
    group: root    
    exists: true
    owner: root
    group: root    

  node --version:
    exit-status: 0
      - v10.16.0
    timeout: 10000
  npm --version:
    exit-status: 0
      - "6.9.0"
    timeout: 10000
dgoss run sample-webserver

Testing the application health check endpoint

    status: 200
    timeout: 5000
    body: ["I'm alive"]
dgoss run sample-webserver

Waiting for Web server to up

$cat goss_wait.yaml
    listening: true
dgoss run sample-webserver
Sample Logs
$ dgoss run sample-webserver
INFO: Starting docker container
INFO: Container ID: bd17740c
INFO: Found goss_wait.yaml, waiting for it to pass before running tests
INFO: Sleeping for 0.2
INFO: Container health
PID                 USER                TIME                COMMAND
46213               root                0:00                node /app/server.js
INFO: Running Tests
File: /usr/bin/node: exists: matches expectation: [true]
File: /usr/bin/node: owner: matches expectation: ["root"]
File: /usr/bin/node: group: matches expectation: ["root"]
File: /usr/bin/npm: exists: matches expectation: [true]
File: /usr/bin/npm: owner: matches expectation: ["root"]
File: /usr/bin/npm: group: matches expectation: ["root"]
Command: node --version: exit-status: matches expectation: [0]
Command: node --version: stdout: matches expectation: [v10.16.0]
Command: npm --version: exit-status: matches expectation: [0]
Command: npm --version: stdout: matches expectation: [6.9.0]
HTTP: http://localhost:3000/health: status: matches expectation: [200]
HTTP: http://localhost:3000/health: Body: matches expectation: [I'm alive]

Total Duration: 3.105s
Count: 12, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0
INFO: Deleting container


  1. Read through default functions available



Language:JavaScript 55.4%Language:Dockerfile 44.6%