manoelcl / TravelExperiences

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Travel Experiences

A simple backend project with Express by Emilio Hernando and Manoel Castro This project allows to manage advices and recommendations for travel experiences


  • Clone or download the repository
  • Use npm install to get it working
  • Use Postman or another client to make requests, request examples are included

1. Database structure

ER Diagram



- id
- username *
- password *
- email *
- role *
- creation date
- registration code


- id
- title *
- class *
- location *
- abstract *
- content *
- photo *
- creation_date


- user_id *
- recommendation_id *
- score *
- creation_date


- id
- content *
- recommendation_id *
- user_id *
- creation_date


2. Endpoints

PUBLIC (authentication not required)

- GET /recommendations

  • Get a list of recommendations filtered and ordered by the following query params

  • Query params:

    - location: filter by location 
    - class: filter by class 
    - orderByVotes: order by average rating
  • Return: a list of recommendations following the query params

- GET /recommendations/:idRecommendation

  • Get the whole recommendation by id

  • Path params:

    - idEntry: el id del artículo
  • Return: the whole recommendation identified with the path param

- POST /users/login

  • User login

  • Body:

    - username 
    - password
  • Return: JWT for the authenticated user

- POST /users

  • Create new user

  • Body:

    - email 
    - password 
    - username 
    - role
  • Return: confirmation user registered

PRIVATE (authentication required)

- POST /recommendations

  • Create a recommendation

  • Body:

    - title 
    - class 
    - location 
    - abstract 
    - content 
    - photo
  • Return: url and confirmation

- POST /recommendations/:idRecommendation/vote

  • Vote for a recommendation

  • Query params:

    - rating
  • Return: confirmation of the vote

- POST /recommendations/:idRecommendation/comment

  • Write a comment for a recommendation

  • Body:

    - content
  • Return: confirmation

- DELETE /recommendations/:idRecommendation



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