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Handle websites with url that keeps changing

MikeZeDev opened this issue · comments

Many websites have a "portal page" that gives or redirect to the real domain. Most of the time its increasing numbers :, etc...

In other words, allow a plugin to reassign the url at runtime, or some workaround.
Maybe a private property _realurl set in Initialize, and a getter for "URI" that returns _realurl after initialize was run?

The desired behavior can already be achieved by assigning this.URI.href = '...' in the Initialize() method of the website plugin

The desired behavior can already be achieved by assigning this.URI.href = '...' in the Initialize() method of the website plugin

Isnt the property readonly? Last time i checked it was.

The desired behavior can already be achieved by assigning this.URI.href = '...' in the Initialize() method of the website plugin

Isnt the property readonly? Last time i checked it was.

I think the href field of the URL interface was never readonly in any browser. Only a few fields, such as origin are marked as readonly, but origin is implicitly updated by setting href.

const uri = new URL('http://a.a/1');
console.log('A:', uri.href, uri.origin);
// => http://a.a/1, http://a.a
uri.href = 'http://b.b/2';
console.log('B:', uri.href, uri.origin);
// => http://b.b/2, http://b.b

I was referring to our class field URI, that is set as readonly. It cant be reaffected, but href can be changed. I am an idiot 😅 . Sorry about that