mandiant / STrace

A DTrace on Windows Reimplementation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DeviceIoControl for LOADDLL failed, error 31

opened this issue · comments

i keep having this error on the CLI .

[+] Opening driver
[+] Driver Opened Successfully
Input command: load, unload, exit
Input command: load, unload, exit
Input command: load, unload, exit
[+] Asking for plugin
Input command: load, unload, exit

It's case sensitive

i know once it's loaded where am i supposed to see the output ? dbgview doesn't show up a thing

Depends on the plugin. All my examples create a log file on the root C drive.

i don't see any syscalls on the strace.log


22:44:37.793 INF #2 8888 Log has been initialized.
22:44:37.793 INF #2 8888 Starting DLL unload
22:44:37.793 ERR #2 8888 [!] No plugin is loaded, unload failed
22:44:41.270 INF #4 8888 Starting DLL unload
22:44:41.270 ERR #4 8888 [!] No plugin is loaded, unload failed
22:48:50.290 INF #6 8888 Starting DLL unload
22:48:50.290 ERR #6 8888 [!] No plugin is loaded, unload failed
22:48:55.277 INF #6 8888 Starting DLL load
22:48:55.277 INF #6 8888 [+] Executing DLLMain
22:48:55.277 INF #6 8888 [+] DLL Load Done
22:48:55.277 INF #6 8888 [+] Dll Mapped at FFFFE684D8791000
22:48:55.277 INF #6 8888 Plugin Initializing...
22:48:55.277 INF #6 8888 Plugin Initialized
22:50:13.980 INF #8 8888 Starting DLL load
22:50:13.980 ERR #8 8888 [!] Only one plugin may be loaded at a time, load failed

Holly shieet that 's fast as fuck , very good job man.

Thanks have fun! If you make something cool send me a PR