manami-project / anime-offline-database

Updated every week: A JSON based anime dataset containing the most important meta data as well as cross references to various anime sites such as MAL, ANIDB, ANILIST, KITSU and more...

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AniDB Title Synonyms/Shorts are not populated

runecalico opened this issue · comments

The Synonyms and Shorts from AniDB are not being populated in the offline database.

I am not knowledgeable in either the process used to generate the file nor the language, however it seems like the process is using a web scraper, and I noticed that on the AniDB website Synonym and Shorts are capitalized, while the search code seems to have all lower case. Is that web scrape case sensitive?

Two examples that have a number of synonyms and/or shorts to illustrate ..

Is the process used to generate the AOD using the generated title xml that AniDB regularly updates? - File is I don't know if using that might help if it's not currently being used as it avoids the whole web scraping thing (which irritates the anidb mods from what I can tell), and might be faster then the normal http requests for all that stuff. It only has titles and AID, so it can't really help with any data beyond that.

Fixed. Thank you very much for reporting this.

Awesome. Thanks for the quick response.