mamane19 / dashobard-nestjs-backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sensor dashboard backend


Simple NestJS backend for a dashboard displaying graphs of environmental sensor data.

How this works? First you need to create yourself a user. Then you create a sensor entry in the database via the API with your user token, which creates the sensor authentication token (accessToken field of the sensor entry). With the sensor authentication token you program your sensor board to make api calls to import measurements. One board can have multiple sensors, so you can import multiple measurements at a time.

See also frontend and sensor board code, or see it live with some sensor data from my living room.


$ yarn install
$ cp .env.example .env
$ cp .env.test.example .env.test

Fill out database credentials in newly created .env files.

For detailed API documentation (swagger docs) see http://localhost:3000/swagger.


Endpoint Method Auth? Query params Description
/sensors GET No List all sensor boards
/sensors/my GET Yes - User token List all sensors for user
/sensors POST Yes - User token Create a sensor for user
/measurements GET No createdAtRange, measurementTypes, sensorIds List all measurements
/measurements POST Yes - Sensor token Post one measurement for a sensor board
/measurements/multi POST Yes - Sensor token Post multiple measurements for a sensor board
/measurements/display POST Yes - Display token Get latest measurements configured for a display
/displays/my GET Yes - User token List all displays for user
/displays POST Yes - User token Create a display entry
/forwarders/my GET Yes - User token List all forwarders for user
/forwarders POST Yes - User token Create a forwarder entry


You can also post measurement data (multiple only) via MQTT by publishing to the following topic: /measurements/multi/${your_jwt}

Example command: mosquitto_pub -L 'mqtts://' -m '{\"measurements\":[{\"measurement\":14,\"measurementType\": \"temperature\"}]}' --cafile .\test.cer

Running the app

# development
$ yarn run start

# watch mode
$ yarn run start:dev

# production mode
$ yarn run start:prod


Generate migrations:

$ yarn run typeorm migration:generate -n SampleMigrationName

Revert last migration:

$ yarn run typeorm migration:revert

Migrations are run automagically upon server start.


# unit tests
$ yarn run test

# e2e tests
$ yarn run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ yarn run test:cov

Production setup

# spin up postgres, node and test container
$ docker-compose up -d

# backup database in production
$ docker exec -t postgres pg_dump --no-owner -U postgres sensor-dashboard > ../sensor-dashboard-database-backups/backup

Restore from dump on windows

Data only restore, migration inserts will fail but the rest should succeed.

$ pg_restore --host "localhost" --port "5433" --username "postgres" --dbname "sensor-dashboard" --verbose --schema "public" "C:\Users\xtrinch\Downloads\backup-production-21-12-2020.dump"



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