malthe / pq

A PostgreSQL job queueing system

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Adding recurring tasks?

ThibTrip opened this issue · comments


is it possible to add recurring tasks similarly to a cronjob? I scrolled quickly through the issues and the source code and could not find any indication for that. If this functionality does not exist I'd be interested in easy workaround ideas 🤔 .

The use case is a queue of URLs to be crawled from multiple computers regularly (e.g. everyday at 1 AM). To make things more difficult all URLs are crawled at different times (some at 1 AM, others at 2 AM etc.).

It seems this was implemented in the django-pq library but it is unmaintained and there has not been a commit since 2014. Also your library has been very reliable for me so it'd be nice to use it for this as well 👍.


  • Version: 1.9.0
  • Python version: 3.8.3

You could use a cronjob to add items to the queue. You can then either use schedule_at to defer execution to a later time or just rely on the cronjob schedule to make the queue item available for work.


@ThibTrip I second @malthe here

Add the logic to self-schedule a job in the future, pq will take care of it (if your job does too many things, create a dispatcher worker). 🙌

Thanks for your quick answers 👍 !

@stas This is the solution I went for 🙈 ... Not very proud of it but it seems to work well. I am unsure whether timezones are well respected with my code though 🤔 . pq does not seem to save the timezone for schedule_at (because I always provide schedule_at as a datetime with UTC timezone).

import datetime
import pytz
from croniter import croniter # pip install croniter
from loguru import logger # pip install loguru

def requeue_job(queue, job, delete_job=False, engine=None):
    Requeues a job created with the use of the library pq.
    This is a workaround for making recurring tasks.

    The job must fullfill the following conditions:
    * have a key called "cron" with a valid cronjob expression in its data
    * have a datetime for its schedule_at attribute

    **WARNING**: we assume the timezone of the datetime is UTC (pq does not
    seem to save the TZ information in the attribute schedule_at).

    queue : pq.Queue
    job : pq.Job
    delete_job : bool, default False
        Whether to delete the job that's been passed (happens after requeuing it).
        If True, an engine must be provided.
    engine : sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine or None, default None
        Needed if delete_job is True

    >>> import datetime
    >>> # let's assume you have defined a queue somewhere
    >>> queue.put(data={'url':'', 'cron':'0 2 * * *'},
    >>> job = queue.get()
    >>> # do something...
    >>> requeue_job(queue=queue, job=job)
    # verify data
    ## type
    data =
    if not isinstance(data, dict):
        raise TypeError(f'Expecting to be dict. Received type {type(data)} instead')
    ## content
    if 'cron' not in data:
        raise ValueError('Key "cron" is missing from')
    if not job.schedule_at:
        raise ValueError('schedule_at must have been provided for the job (it is None)!')

    # make sure schedule_at is timezoned
    schedule_at = job.schedule_at
    if schedule_at.tzinfo is None:
        schedule_at = pytz.utc.localize(schedule_at)

    # get next schedule based on cron expression
    cron, start_time = data['cron'], job.schedule_at
    iter = croniter(expr_format=cron, start_time=start_time)
    schedule_at = iter.get_next(datetime.datetime)
    logger.debug(f'Requeuing job {}. Next execution: {schedule_at} (base_time: {start_time}, cron: {cron})')

    # requeue job
    new_job_id = queue.put(, schedule_at=schedule_at)

    # delete job
    if delete_job:
        if not engine:
            raise ValueError('I need a sqlalchemy engine to drop jobs! You have not provided any')
        engine.execute(f'DELETE FROM "{}" WHERE id=%(job_id)s;',
    return new_job_id

I think this is a nice solution for the case where you want to schedule a subsequent run only if the queue item is being "worked".