malllabiisc / RESIDE

EMNLP 2018: RESIDE: Improving Distantly-Supervised Neural Relation Extraction using Side Information

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How do you get baselines_pr?

WindChimeRan opened this issue · comments

I want to compare my model (maybe in PyTorch) with RESIDE and baselines. However, reimplementing every model is tedious. RESIDE and baselines are evaluated in GIDS, a new dataset, so I am curious where the implementations of baselines come from.

In other words, how do you get baselines_pr?


For Riedel dataset, I got the precision-recall values for MIMLRE, Mintz and MultiR from here. For PCNN and PCNN+ATT I used the code provided by the authors. For BGWA, I used my own implementation.

Thanks, that's very helpful.

Hi, @svjan5
Sorry to disturb you, but the baseline BGWA confuse me for a few weeks, I implemented the BGWA myself but can't get a good result. The code provided by the author is Pytorch, and I can't understand it. I try to run the source code but I'm failed. Is it possible that show me your implementation about BGWA algorithm? Thank you very much.

Hi @CrisJk,
I have included code for BGWA model here. Please have a look.

Hi @CrisJk,
I have included code for BGWA model here. Please have a look.

It' very kind of you, Thank you very much.

Hi, @svjan5
Sorry to disturb you, but the baseline BGWA confuse me for a few weeks, I implemented the BGWA myself but can't get a good result. The code provided by the author is Pytorch, and I can't understand it. I try to run the source code but I'm failed. Is it possible that show me your implementation about BGWA algorithm? Thank you very much.

I also got a worser result by running the BGWA code provided the repository than the orgial author, but if I run the code provided by the original author, the result will be good. Have you made it clear? Thanks.

Hi, I did not thoroughly check the baseline code. For the numbers in the paper, I used the original authors' code. The BGWA code which is part of this repository was written only for the sake of helping the researchers. For PCNN and PCNN+ATT baseline, I used the original c++ based code of the authors. Please feel free to open pull request if you find any error in the code which should be corrected.
