malllabiisc / RESIDE

EMNLP 2018: RESIDE: Improving Distantly-Supervised Neural Relation Extraction using Side Information

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About GIDS raw dataset

deepkl opened this issue · comments


Can you provide the GIDS raw dataset like riedel_raw?
Thank you!

Sure, I will try to do that asap.

Hi @gq8606,
May be you can have a look here: Let me know if it works for you.


Hi @gq8606,
May be you can have a look here: Let me know if it works for you.

Thank you ! But I need the gids dataset with side information. I'm not sure how to generate the gids_processed.pkl from GIDS raw without side info.I think the process like this: riedel raw--->riedel_raw with side info--->riedel_processed.pkl , GIDS raw---> GIDS raw with side info? -->gids_processed.pkl.

So Where is GIDS raw with side info?

Sure, I will try to share that in a few days.

Hi @gq8606,
I have included the GIDS raw dataset in the format you wanted. You can download it from this link:


Thank you !
You are so nice!@svjan5

Thank you :)