malllabiisc / RESIDE

EMNLP 2018: RESIDE: Improving Distantly-Supervised Neural Relation Extraction using Side Information

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Regarding generating relations from raw sentence

gb08 opened this issue · comments


Need your input for generating relations out of sentences. I've checked your flask server code and from that, I could relate you are using samples present in 'riedel_test_bags.json'. Instead of using samples from this riedel_test_bags.json, how can I convert sentences in the similar format? or is there any pipeline available which can take care of pre-processing?

Hi @gb08,
I have tried to provide that pipeline in preproc folder. Please check it once and let me know if there are any issues.


Thanks for quick reply!!
I've checked preproc folder. I can see some of the steps(pre-processing) but, baseline data is not raw sentences. It is again formatted data(/data/riedel_test.json and /data/riedel_train.json). Do you have any inputs to get to this format from raw sentences??

Hi @gb08,
That format is basically the output of Stanford CoreNLP on the raw sentence. I think if you will analyze it a little bit then you easily understand the format.


Will check on this. Thanks for your help @svjan5