malllabiisc / RESIDE

EMNLP 2018: RESIDE: Improving Distantly-Supervised Neural Relation Extraction using Side Information

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Regarding Freebase Links of Riedel Entities

ayushgupt opened this issue · comments

The entity mentions are annotated using Stanford NER (Finkel et al., 2005) and are linked to Freebase.

In the Reidel dataset Paragraph in paper, you mention that these linkages to Freebase are done, But I dont see these Freebase links in Processed Riedel. Can I know where exactly these Freebase Linkages are present? There are guids already given to various entities in Riedel but that seem to be different than Freebase Linkages.

Hi Ayush,
The original Riedel dataset comes with Freebase ids for each entity in the dataset. This linking was performed by Riedel himself. I have used the same Freebase ids for getting type information of entities.