malllabiisc / RESIDE

EMNLP 2018: RESIDE: Improving Distantly-Supervised Neural Relation Extraction using Side Information

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New training gets killed after some time and never finish/converge?

kasunsp opened this issue · comments

I could generate the results in the paper.
but when I try training the model from the scratch, then the program always get killed at
2019-02-20 07:53:55,385 - [INFO] - E:0 Train Accuracy (27232/292459): 93.46 975.36 new_run 0.0
I run with GPU and without GPU but nothing changed.
How can I run the model training from the scratch?

Hi @kasunsp,
This looks like an issue with your machine. Anyways, I will check everything once again and let you know.


Do check if you have sufficient RAM. You can check this by running htop (or even the System monitor) and then starting the code.

Hi @kasunsp,
I am not facing this issue with the code. Seems like there is some issue in your system only.