malllabiisc / RESIDE

EMNLP 2018: RESIDE: Improving Distantly-Supervised Neural Relation Extraction using Side Information

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A question about side_info

CrisJk opened this issue · comments

Hi, I want to use the entity type information on Riedel NYT, but I don't know what the id in your
/side_info/entity_type/riedel_nyt/type_info.json is. More specific, in "m.027typ": ["/person"], "m.07tzbr": ["/person"], "m.0ds41": ["/person", "/person/artist"] , what the "m.027typ" is? How can I get the mapping between the id to entity?

ps: I have processed the data by myself, so I need to know what the "m.027typ" refer to. I can' t find the code to get the entity id like "m.027typ".

Thank you for your help!

Hi @CrisJk,
The ids used in type_info.json are Freebase ids. Riedel dataset was constructed by aligning Freebase with NYT corpus. If you look at the dataset then you can find these ids being mentioned for the target entities in each sentence.

The ids to entity name mapping can be obtained from Freebase KB or you can use the Riedel dataset itself. Please spend some time looking at the raw version of the dataset (riedel_raw), it will clear your doubts.


Thank you very much, It's very helpful!