maliut / meta.js

provide meta-programming skills for Javascript and make it more like a class-based language

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meta.js offers meta-programming skills for Javascript and make it more like a class-based language.


How to use

We suggest to define class by es6 syntax, and use .new factory method to create instance.

class Person {}
let p =;


Get the class of intance

class Animal {
  constructor(name) { = name;
  walk() {
    console.log(`${} walks`);

let man ="jtwang");;   // => "Animal"

Get instance methods of class

Animal.instanceMethods;   // => ["constructor", "walk"]

Methods in superclass are not included.

Get methods of instance

man.methods;   // => ["constructor", "walk"]

Methods in superclass are not included. Can add them if in need.

Get properties of instance

man.instanceVariables;  // => ["name", "_origin"]

_origin is an inner variable of meta.js. Will explain it later.

Get superclass

class Cat extends Animal {
  constructor(name) {
let kitty ="kitty");;   // => "Animal"

Extend a class

Javascript cannot open class like Ruby, so use defineMethod instead.

Cat.defineMethod("meow", function() {
  console.log(`${} meow`);
kitty.meow();   // => "kitty meow"

Someone may ask what's the difference between it and Cat.prototype.meow = function() {...}. It hides the prototype and defines methods in a more meaningful way, which is encouraged by es6 standard.

Delete methods

kitty.meow();   // => error!

It does not delete method in superclass. Can add the function if in need.

Alias method

Animal.aliasMethod("oldWalk", "walk");
Animal.defineMethod("walk", function() {
  console.log("start walk");
  console.log("end walk");
man.walk();   // => "start walk\n jtwang walks\n end walk"

This example use alias to implement around method, and can be used in AOP.

Method missing

class Entity {
  methodMissing(name, args) {
    console.log(`call method ${name} with args: ${args.join(',')}`);

  responedToMissing(name) {
    return true;
let e =;
e.arbitrarymethod(1,2,3);   // => "call method arbitrarymethod with args: 1,2,3"

It's implemented by Proxy in es6, so use new Entity() will lose this feature. You can also use e._origin to get the object behind proxy. Make sure to override responedToMissing method for method names which handled in methodMissing function.

The code is easy in meta.js, and feel free to raise issues or pull request for any problems and suggestions.


provide meta-programming skills for Javascript and make it more like a class-based language


Language:JavaScript 100.0%