maldworth / aldsoft.acord

.NET Helper Library for Serializing and Deserializing ACORD LA XML

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TXLife2 xsd question

stephenpatten opened this issue · comments


First off, thank you for an awesome library.

I have access to the Acord xsds, and have a copy of xsd2code++, but there are 4 of them


Which one do you use to gen the TX? I'm also wanting to gen without IPropertyNotify and may split the classes.

Any help would be appreciated. I 'could' PR it too if you wanted.

Thank you,

I'm doing some updates in a branch (.net core support), plus it will have a powershell you can use which has the params to pass into xsd2code++ for generation.
Also, I agree, the IPropertyNotify stuff is unnecessary and will be removed in the generation.

If you wait a few more days I should have the branch for you to use. And then a PR back in with the 2.40 generated Cs file would be great!

I'll need some more time. Spent some time tinkering around and am having trouble finding the original settings that were used to generate.

Yeah I have the params the same. The problem is it seems to be generating differently. The only variable is I think updates to VS and the .net framework have updated the xsd.exe running. Anyways it's generating, but now the unit tests are failing. So I'm going to chip away at that.

Good news, I have a branch you can use. it's called feat/cakebuild
Has a /generate folder. All you need to do it put the schema in a folder under the generate folder (./generate/schemas), and run the powershell.. should handle everything from there, and copy it to the csproj folder as well.

I still have some cakebuild and appveyor items to cleanup in there. I should get to that this weekend.

I added the 2.40 folder for you, just to get it ready :). But please feel free to add folders/csproj for each version you have.

I see you got it. Typically how you do it is you create a fork, then make your changes. Then submit a PR from your repo into here. If you ever want to contribute more, and you want my changes (for example from master branch). You would have to set up an "upstream remote" to my repo. git remote add upstream.... Then any updates I put into master here, you could pull them into your fork with git pull upstream master for example.

Thanks for PR #4 Added the tests and everything is passing. So the last bit is getting the packages into nuget.

Okay, 0.3.0 is released. thanks for all your help.

Object graphs, that sounds fun. Thank you, and MassTransit is a really great abstraction to help get introduced into the world of Service Buses. Whenever I hear people are interfacing directly with RabbitMQ, or AzureSB, or SQS, I always try to steer them towards MassTransit.

When you start tackling that re-write, if you ever have any questions about MassTransit head over to the Gitter Channel. There's always a helpful community member there (sometimes myself).
