makiftutuncu / bookstore

Sample app demonstrating web backend testing in Scala

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Configuration
  3. Development
  4. Testing
  5. Contributing
  6. License


Bookstore is a backend application written in Scala. It is a dummy REST API for authors and books. Its main purpose is to showcase how a backend application can be separated into layers and how they can be tested via different types of automated tests. For more details, see

At its core, bookstore is a Finch app. To see all external dependencies, check out build.sbt file.

A detailed API documentation is in

There is a Postman collection under postman folder.


Bookstore can be configured via application.conf and test.conf files for running and testing respectively. You can also override any config with following environment variables.

Variable Name Data Type Description
BOOKSTORE_DB_HOST String Database host
BOOKSTORE_DB_PORT Int Database port
BOOKSTORE_DB_NAME String Database name
BOOKSTORE_DB_USER String Database user
BOOKSTORE_DB_PASS String Database user's password
BOOKSTORE_PORT Int Application's running port

Development and Running

Bookstore is built with SBT. So, standard SBT tasks like clean, compile and run can be used.

In order to get the database set up, you may simply use docker-compose by doing

docker-compose up -d

This will fire up a PostgreSQL database for running the application and another one for running tests.


To run all the tests, use test task of SBT.

To run specific test(s), use testOnly fullyQualifiedTestClassName1 fullyQualifiedTestClassName2 ...


Perhaps there is not much to develop here but all contributions are more than welcome. Please feel free to send a pull request for your contributions. Thank you.


Bookstore is licensed with MIT License. See for details.


Sample app demonstrating web backend testing in Scala

License:MIT License


Language:Scala 100.0%