mailhog / MailHog

Web and API based SMTP testing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error 500 when release email

nicostubi opened this issue · comments


I've gone through various issues of the repo talking about SMTP setup. I would like to use MailHog to automatically release emails upon receipt, so that I can (1) use the API to get the latest email (2) continue using my real SMTP server and send real emails.

I am using the latest version of mailhog, locally running on Docker, and I was able to create a json file and I see the configuration when I release an email manually from the GUI. As specified here.

As I am running out of ideas and as I have seen in some issues that some people managed to make it work (as @jstockho in issue #36, I expect some guidance, please let me know if I can share more information (but I can't find logs, by the way).