mailhog / MailHog

Web and API based SMTP testing

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Request: Separate emails by user account to enable multi projects

fabiomlferreira opened this issue · comments

At the moment mailhog already support authentication but it's only good to prevent access to the platform, I think it was very useful if it differentiate the emails received by each user.

For example if in the authentication file we create two users, if we sent using a specific user credentials only that user will see that emails, at the moment it's impossible to differentiate projects. If we work in multiple projects at the same time will be a mess.

Using the authentication to separate the emails received will enable to handle multiple projects, we can create a user for each project and all the email from that project will be under that user account.

I would love to see that. I know that HELO has this feature and is quite useful if working in different projects or with other users.

This would create isolated e-mail queues, one for each user of the auth file (-auth-file).
But then multiple developers working on the same project won't be able to see others (same project) e e-mails right?

HELO is simply using the username provided during authentication to create an inbox. Hence, if you use the same username in different applications, their mails will appear in the same inbox.

This makes it quite flexible and easy in my easy. Different workers/people can use their own name as inbox or use a project name to work collaboratively with one inbox.

I do get the "assign incoming e-mail to a mailbox" (SMTP's user ⇒ MailHog's mailbox).

But how does MailHog decides which MailBox to display to web UI users?

The question is: Do we need authentication at all?

I can only speak for myself. I would simply list all existing Mailboxes in the left sidebar and MailHog will show the first inbox. Each inbox is accessible via its own URI, such that I can bookmark it.

Everyone who has access to MailHog will be able to see all mailboxes.