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outlook nameserver no host found

Kirutian opened this issue · comments

I'm having issues when sending to hostnames with outlook. My email works fine for every other domain. but when i send to someone using microsoft i get a no host found error. my ip is not blocked as I've checked it with microsoft. i believe this has something to do with dns routing. for example:

Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; Host or domain name not found. Name service error
for type=AAAA: Host not found, try


Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; Host or domain name not found. Name service error
for type=AAAA: Host not
found, try again

After prolonged tinkering, I have been able to temporarily resolve this issue by adding Cloudflares nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf

resolv.conf now contains:

Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)

DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN is the systemd-resolved stub resolver.

run "systemd-resolve --status" to see details about the actual nameservers.


Though doesn't this file get overwritten? What's a permanent solution. Clearly this is caused by my box using a bad nameserver

This appears to be postfix related.

I also found this:

I'm having problems with sending to Microsoft exchange servers.

I can force sending to these exchange servers by manipulating the resolv.conf file and using the netplan apply or postqueue -f

I have no idea what's wrong or how to fix this, but I'm confident the error is coming from my box.

you mentioned cloudflare, do you have your A records proxied on cloudflare? iv always had issues with that so you could try turning of the proxy toggle in cloudflare.

No. My A records are all on my box.

@JoshData Please believe me I very rarely tag the dev. There's a lot riding on me solving this issue.

on the vps try to do a nslookup on microsoft's domain names to see if that resolves, and if you got a temp fix but it does not keep persistent you could make a service with systemd to have it rewrite the resolv.conf file on reboots.

So just to summaries the problem: There seems to be a DNS issue ("Host not found") when postfix tries to resolve certain domains, and switching DNS servers fixes it (which supports the diagnosis that this is a DNS issue). The links you posted are various other problems with delivering mail to Microsoft but they aren't DNS issues so I don't think they are of much help here.

I've never heard of DNS-based blocking (although it's possible I guess), so I think the most likely culprit is something going wrong locally.

Similar to @babywhale321's suggestion, I'd be curious about the output of

drill -DT

(You may have to apt install drill first.)

which will give the most complete picture of how your box is resolving the domain name.

Here is the requested output for 'drill -DT'

entdev@box:~$ drill -DT
Warning: No trusted keys were given. Will not be able to verify authenticity!
;; Domain: .
;; Signature ok but no chain to a trusted key or ds record
[S] . 172800 IN DNSKEY 257 3 8 ;{id = 20326 (ksk), size = 2048b}
. 172800 IN DNSKEY 256 3 8 ;{id = 11019 (zsk), size = 2048b}
Checking if signing key is trusted:
New key: . 172800 IN DNSKEY 256 3 8 AwEAAcEtWatIO3exfN3A+WnZl7AVEBA3crRrrwKTfnmcdLt79C3DCOF1JX5zb4s84v0OxwlOVg+TR8VpkuYynMp3PQXLomLxe7j7PlxqEBo1LQaWfqyymCuF7rKebTLB5yZcr8/QUPwk/weLyguX6iVNDjIZOmeMqPkGJtDFp+EUfKgOa8AulKPLtsUL1W+1FT8sqroSxKXVXnhkEZN1O1zBxTG/z9xjwiPcd3//LSPUpEC9+rU2XIuCJq8nwAwJ7W6Rc49RxUT0Svc57HKqHjNuapvG0PCYh3bXCQzb7mb2pNwuerMFTzP5iEzXWZD7izLg9j3wEJ2Ia/WIEts/Tp9GIQM= ;{id = 11019 (zsk), size = 2048b}
[S] com. 86400 IN DS 30909 8 2 e2d3c916f6deeac73294e8268fb5885044a833fc5459588f4a9184cfc41a5766
;; Domain: com.
;; Signature ok but no chain to a trusted key or ds record
[S] com. 86400 IN DNSKEY 256 3 8 ;{id = 4459 (zsk), size = 1280b}
com. 86400 IN DNSKEY 257 3 8 ;{id = 30909 (ksk), size = 2048b}
[S] Existence denied: DS
;; No ds record for delegation
;; Domain:
;; No DNSKEY record found for
;; No DS for;; No ds record for delegation
;; Domain:
;; No DNSKEY record found for
;; No DS for;; No ds record for delegation
;; Domain:
Error sending query: No (valid) nameservers defined in the resolver

I often get temporary name resolution errors. So I'm on the same page as you I think. I was looking into DNSSEC. It appears Microsoft is still in the process implementing

Oddly enough, I can ping no DANE or DNSSEC

Could it be that Microsoft is rejecting my box from even getting an IP-? I know they block "namespace mining"

on the vps try to do a nslookup on microsoft's domain names to see if that resolves, and if you got a temp fix but it does not keep persistent you could make a service with systemd to have it rewrite the resolv.conf file on reboots.

entdev@box:~$ nslookup
;; communications error to timed out
;; communications error to timed out

** server can't find SERVFAIL
;; communications error to timed out
;; communications error to timed out

** server can't find SERVFAIL

Added new nameservers to /etc/resolv.conf

This appears to be a more permanent solution. I'm under the understanding that this file will be overwritten. Is that the case?

@Kirutian I found this guide online and i hope it helps with keeping dns settings permanent.

@babywhale321 Your solution works but it still has to be redone at every MIAB update.