magnusesp / kawa-prices

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

KAWA Price calculator


  1. Install the dependencies:
    npm install
  2. Run the calculator, fetching data:
    ts-node src/index.ts --fetchData
  3. Run the calculator with cached data:
    ts-node src/index.ts


  • Initial prices
    • Setting DW, OVE, RAT prices at start ✅
    • Using a percentage of CX prices (30-40% discount)
  • Workers
    • Basic consumables ✅
    • Luxury consumables ✅
    • Housing costs (HB1/HB2/...) ✅
  • Buildings
    • Construction costs ✅
    • Worker costs ✅
    • Consider repair costs ✅
      • (50% every 80 days => construction cost / 160 * ROI days)
    • CM cost (area used / 475) ✅
    • ROI of 25 days ✅
  • Materials
    • Price of Material inputs ✅
    • Price of Natural resources inputs 🟡
    • Multiple outputs: divide cost equally per unit produced ✅
    • Building costs (divided by ms per unit) ✅
    • CoGC
    • Production fees
  • Natural resources
    • Same as Materials, plus:
      • Optimal planet ✅
      • Optimal planet w/ range of planet X
      • Shipping costs
  • Planets
    • Prices per planet
    • Shipping costs (fixed prices per jump/intra system travel)
    • Shipping costs (dynamic)
  • ✅ implemented/completed
  • 🟡 started/in progress
  • ❌ not started



Language:TypeScript 100.0%