magit / forge

Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wrong-number-of-arguments error when using magit-status

LemonBreezes opened this issue · comments

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments nil 0)
  signal(wrong-number-of-arguments (nil 0))
  (if (= (length --cl-rest--) 3) (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- (setq --cl-rest-- (cdr --cl-rest--)))) (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list nil (length --cl-rest--))))
  (let* ((--cl-rest-- (if --cl-rest-- (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- (setq --cl-rest-- (cdr --cl-rest--)))) (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list nil (length --cl-rest--))))) (host (if (= (length --cl-rest--) 3) (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- (setq --cl-rest-- (cdr --cl-rest--)))) (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list nil (length --cl-rest--))))) (owner (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- (setq --cl-rest-- (cdr --cl-rest--))))) (name (car-safe --cl-rest--)) (remote (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- (setq --cl-rest-- (cdr --cl-rest--))))) (demand (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- (setq --cl-rest-- (cdr --cl-rest--)))))) (progn (if --cl-rest-- (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list nil (+ 3 (length --cl-rest--))))) (let* ((spec (and t (forge--get-forge-host host t)))) (if spec (progn (ignore (consp spec)) (let* ((x982 ...) (x983 ...)) (progn (ignore ...) (let* ... ...)))) (if (memq demand forge--signal-no-entry) (progn (error "Cannot determine forge repository.  No entry for %S in %s" host 'forge-alist)))))))
  (progn (let* ((--cl-rest-- (if --cl-rest-- (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- (setq --cl-rest-- ...))) (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list nil (length --cl-rest--))))) (host (if (= (length --cl-rest--) 3) (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- (setq --cl-rest-- ...))) (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list nil (length --cl-rest--))))) (owner (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- (setq --cl-rest-- (cdr --cl-rest--))))) (name (car-safe --cl-rest--)) (remote (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- (setq --cl-rest-- (cdr --cl-rest--))))) (demand (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- (setq --cl-rest-- (cdr --cl-rest--)))))) (progn (if --cl-rest-- (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list nil (+ 3 (length --cl-rest--))))) (let* ((spec (and t (forge--get-forge-host host t)))) (if spec (progn (ignore (consp spec)) (let* (... ...) (progn ... ...))) (if (memq demand forge--signal-no-entry) (progn (error "Cannot determine forge repository.  No entry for %S in %s" host ...))))))))
  (closure (t) (&rest --cl-rest--) "((HOST OWNER NAME) &optional REMOTE DEMAND)\n\nReturn the repository identified by HOST, OWNER and NAME.\nSee `forge-alist' for valid Git hosts.\n\n(fn (HOST OWNER NAME) &optional REMOTE DEMAND)" (progn (let* ((--cl-rest-- (if --cl-rest-- (car-safe ...) (signal ... ...))) (host (if (= ... 3) (car-safe ...) (signal ... ...))) (owner (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- ...))) (name (car-safe --cl-rest--)) (remote (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- ...))) (demand (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- ...)))) (progn (if --cl-rest-- (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list nil ...))) (let* ((spec ...)) (if spec (progn ... ...) (if ... ...)))))))(nil)
  apply((closure (t) (&rest --cl-rest--) "((HOST OWNER NAME) &optional REMOTE DEMAND)\n\nReturn the repository identified by HOST, OWNER and NAME.\nSee `forge-alist' for valid Git hosts.\n\n(fn (HOST OWNER NAME) &optional REMOTE DEMAND)" (progn (let* ((--cl-rest-- (if --cl-rest-- (car-safe ...) (signal ... ...))) (host (if (= ... 3) (car-safe ...) (signal ... ...))) (owner (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- ...))) (name (car-safe --cl-rest--)) (remote (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- ...))) (demand (car-safe (prog1 --cl-rest-- ...)))) (progn (if --cl-rest-- (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list nil ...))) (let* ((spec ...)) (if spec (progn ... ...) (if ... ...))))))) nil nil)
  (and t (forge-get-repository nil))
  (let* ((repo (and t (forge-get-repository nil)))) (if repo (progn (and (not (eieio-oref repo 'sparse-p)) (or (not issues-p) (eieio-oref repo 'issues-p)) repo))))
  (and (forge-db t) (or forge-display-in-status-buffer (not (eq major-mode 'magit-status-mode))) (let* ((repo (and t (forge-get-repository nil)))) (if repo (progn (and (not (eieio-oref repo 'sparse-p)) (or (not issues-p) (eieio-oref repo 'issues-p)) repo)))))
  (and t (forge--assert-insert-topics-get-repository))
  (let* ((repo (and t (forge--assert-insert-topics-get-repository)))) (if repo (forge--insert-topics 'pullreqs heading (funcall getter repo)) nil))
  forge--insert-pullreqs("Pull requests" forge--ls-recent-pullreqs)
  apply(forge-insert-pullreqs nil)
  (if (and (boundp 'magit-refresh-verbose) magit-refresh-verbose) (let ((time (let ((t1 (current-time))) (apply entry args) (float-time (time-since t1))))) (message "  %-50s %f %s" entry time (cond ((> time 0.03) "!!") ((> time 0.01) "!") (t "")))) (apply entry args))
  (if (memq entry magit-disabled-section-inserters) nil (if (and (boundp 'magit-refresh-verbose) magit-refresh-verbose) (let ((time (let ((t1 ...)) (apply entry args) (float-time (time-since t1))))) (message "  %-50s %f %s" entry time (cond ((> time 0.03) "!!") ((> time 0.01) "!") (t "")))) (apply entry args)))
  (let ((magit--current-section-hook (cons (list hook entry) magit--current-section-hook))) (if (memq entry magit-disabled-section-inserters) nil (if (and (boundp 'magit-refresh-verbose) magit-refresh-verbose) (let ((time (let (...) (apply entry args) (float-time ...)))) (message "  %-50s %f %s" entry time (cond ((> time 0.03) "!!") ((> time 0.01) "!") (t "")))) (apply entry args))))
  (let ((entry (car tail))) (let ((magit--current-section-hook (cons (list hook entry) magit--current-section-hook))) (if (memq entry magit-disabled-section-inserters) nil (if (and (boundp 'magit-refresh-verbose) magit-refresh-verbose) (let ((time (let ... ... ...))) (message "  %-50s %f %s" entry time (cond (... "!!") (... "!") (t "")))) (apply entry args)))) (setq tail (cdr tail)))
  (while tail (let ((entry (car tail))) (let ((magit--current-section-hook (cons (list hook entry) magit--current-section-hook))) (if (memq entry magit-disabled-section-inserters) nil (if (and (boundp 'magit-refresh-verbose) magit-refresh-verbose) (let ((time ...)) (message "  %-50s %f %s" entry time (cond ... ... ...))) (apply entry args)))) (setq tail (cdr tail))))
  (let ((tail entries)) (while tail (let ((entry (car tail))) (let ((magit--current-section-hook (cons (list hook entry) magit--current-section-hook))) (if (memq entry magit-disabled-section-inserters) nil (if (and (boundp ...) magit-refresh-verbose) (let (...) (message "  %-50s %f %s" entry time ...)) (apply entry args)))) (setq tail (cdr tail)))))
  (let ((entries (symbol-value hook))) (if (listp entries) nil (setq entries (list entries))) (let* ((invalid (and t (seq-remove #'functionp entries)))) (if invalid (progn (message "`%s' contains entries that are no longer valid.\n%s\nUsing standard value instead.  Please re-configure hook variable." hook (mapconcat #'(lambda ... ...) invalid "\n")) (sit-for 5) (setq entries (eval (car (get hook ...))))) nil)) (let ((tail entries)) (while tail (let ((entry (car tail))) (let ((magit--current-section-hook (cons ... magit--current-section-hook))) (if (memq entry magit-disabled-section-inserters) nil (if (and ... magit-refresh-verbose) (let ... ...) (apply entry args)))) (setq tail (cdr tail))))))
  (catch 'cancel-section (magit-run-section-hook 'magit-status-sections-hook) (run-hooks 'magit-insert-section-hook) (magit-insert-child-count section350) (if magit-section-inhibit-markers nil (set-marker-insertion-type (eieio-oref section350 'start) t)) (let* ((end (eieio-oset section350 'end (if magit-section-inhibit-markers (point) (point-marker)))) (class-map (eieio-oref section350 'keymap)) (magit-map (intern (format "magit-%s-section-map" (eieio-oref section350 'type)))) (forge-map (intern (format "forge-%s-section-map" (eieio-oref section350 'type)))) (map (and class-map (symbol-value class-map)))) (if map nil (setq map (or (and (boundp magit-map) (symbol-value magit-map)) (and (boundp forge-map) (symbol-value forge-map)))) (eieio-oset section350 'keymap map)) (save-excursion (goto-char (eieio-oref section350 'start)) (while (< (point) end) (let ((next (or ... end))) (if (magit-section-at) nil (put-text-property (point) next 'magit-section section350) (if map (progn ...))) (magit-section-maybe-add-heading-map section350) (goto-char next))))) (cond ((eq section350 magit-root-section) (if (eq magit-section-inhibit-markers 'delay) (progn (setq magit-section-inhibit-markers nil) (magit-map-sections #'(lambda ... ... ...)))) (let ((magit-section-cache-visibility nil)) (magit-section-show section350))) (magit-section-insert-in-reverse (let* ((v (eieio-oref section350 'parent))) (eieio-oset v 'children (cons section350 (eieio-oref v 'children))))) ((let ((parent (eieio-oref section350 'parent))) (eieio-oset parent 'children (nconc (eieio-oref parent 'children) (list section350)))))))
  (let ((magit-insert-section--current section350) (magit-insert-section--parent section350) (magit-insert-section--oldroot (or magit-insert-section--oldroot (and (not magit-insert-section--parent) (prog1 magit-root-section (setq magit-root-section section350)))))) (catch 'cancel-section (magit-run-section-hook 'magit-status-sections-hook) (run-hooks 'magit-insert-section-hook) (magit-insert-child-count section350) (if magit-section-inhibit-markers nil (set-marker-insertion-type (eieio-oref section350 'start) t)) (let* ((end (eieio-oset section350 'end (if magit-section-inhibit-markers (point) (point-marker)))) (class-map (eieio-oref section350 'keymap)) (magit-map (intern (format "magit-%s-section-map" (eieio-oref section350 ...)))) (forge-map (intern (format "forge-%s-section-map" (eieio-oref section350 ...)))) (map (and class-map (symbol-value class-map)))) (if map nil (setq map (or (and (boundp magit-map) (symbol-value magit-map)) (and (boundp forge-map) (symbol-value forge-map)))) (eieio-oset section350 'keymap map)) (save-excursion (goto-char (eieio-oref section350 'start)) (while (< (point) end) (let ((next ...)) (if (magit-section-at) nil (put-text-property ... next ... section350) (if map ...)) (magit-section-maybe-add-heading-map section350) (goto-char next))))) (cond ((eq section350 magit-root-section) (if (eq magit-section-inhibit-markers 'delay) (progn (setq magit-section-inhibit-markers nil) (magit-map-sections #'...))) (let ((magit-section-cache-visibility nil)) (magit-section-show section350))) (magit-section-insert-in-reverse (let* ((v (eieio-oref section350 ...))) (eieio-oset v 'children (cons section350 (eieio-oref v ...))))) ((let ((parent (eieio-oref section350 ...))) (eieio-oset parent 'children (nconc (eieio-oref parent ...) (list section350))))))) (if magit-section-insert-in-reverse (progn (setq magit-section-insert-in-reverse nil) (eieio-oset section350 'children (nreverse (eieio-oref section350 'children))))) section350)
  (let* ((type349 'status) (section350 (funcall (if (class-p type349) type349 (or (cdr (assq type349 magit--section-type-alist)) 'magit-section)) :type (or (and (class-p type349) (car (rassq type349 magit--section-type-alist))) type349) :value nil :start (if magit-section-inhibit-markers (point) (point-marker)) :parent magit-insert-section--parent))) (eieio-oset section350 'hidden (let* ((value (and t (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'magit-section-set-visibility-hook section350)))) (if value (eq value 'hide) (let* ((incarnation (and t ...))) (if incarnation (eieio-oref incarnation 'hidden) (let* (...) (if value ... nil))))))) (let ((magit-insert-section--current section350) (magit-insert-section--parent section350) (magit-insert-section--oldroot (or magit-insert-section--oldroot (and (not magit-insert-section--parent) (prog1 magit-root-section (setq magit-root-section section350)))))) (catch 'cancel-section (magit-run-section-hook 'magit-status-sections-hook) (run-hooks 'magit-insert-section-hook) (magit-insert-child-count section350) (if magit-section-inhibit-markers nil (set-marker-insertion-type (eieio-oref section350 'start) t)) (let* ((end (eieio-oset section350 'end (if magit-section-inhibit-markers ... ...))) (class-map (eieio-oref section350 'keymap)) (magit-map (intern (format "magit-%s-section-map" ...))) (forge-map (intern (format "forge-%s-section-map" ...))) (map (and class-map (symbol-value class-map)))) (if map nil (setq map (or (and ... ...) (and ... ...))) (eieio-oset section350 'keymap map)) (save-excursion (goto-char (eieio-oref section350 'start)) (while (< (point) end) (let (...) (if ... nil ... ...) (magit-section-maybe-add-heading-map section350) (goto-char next))))) (cond ((eq section350 magit-root-section) (if (eq magit-section-inhibit-markers 'delay) (progn (setq magit-section-inhibit-markers nil) (magit-map-sections ...))) (let ((magit-section-cache-visibility nil)) (magit-section-show section350))) (magit-section-insert-in-reverse (let* ((v ...)) (eieio-oset v 'children (cons section350 ...)))) ((let ((parent ...)) (eieio-oset parent 'children (nconc ... ...)))))) (if magit-section-insert-in-reverse (progn (setq magit-section-insert-in-reverse nil) (eieio-oset section350 'children (nreverse (eieio-oref section350 'children))))) section350))
  magit-setup-buffer-internal(magit-status-mode nil ((magit-buffer-diff-args ("--no-ext-diff")) (magit-buffer-diff-files nil) (magit-buffer-log-args ("-n256" "--decorate")) (magit-buffer-log-files nil)))
  (let* ((default-directory directory) (d (magit-diff--get-value 'magit-status-mode magit-status-use-buffer-arguments)) (l (magit-log--get-value 'magit-status-mode magit-status-use-buffer-arguments)) (file (and magit-status-goto-file-position (magit-file-relative-name))) (line (and file (save-restriction (widen) (line-number-at-pos)))) (col (and file (save-restriction (widen) (current-column)))) (buf (magit-setup-buffer-internal #'magit-status-mode nil (list (list 'magit-buffer-diff-args (nth 0 d)) (list 'magit-buffer-diff-files (nth 1 d)) (list 'magit-buffer-log-args (nth 0 l)) (list 'magit-buffer-log-files (nth 1 l)))))) (if file (progn (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (let ((staged (magit-get-section ...))) (if (and staged (car ...)) (magit-diff--goto-position file line col staged) (let (...) (if ... nil ...))))))) buf)
  (if directory (let ((toplevel (magit-toplevel directory))) (setq directory (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name directory))) (if (and toplevel (file-equal-p directory toplevel)) (magit-status-setup-buffer directory) (if (y-or-n-p (if toplevel (format "%s is a repository.  Create another in %s? " toplevel directory) (format "Create repository in %s? " directory))) (progn (setq magit--refresh-cache nil) (magit-init directory))))) (magit-status-setup-buffer default-directory))
  (let ((magit--refresh-cache (or cache (list (cons 0 0))))) (if directory (let ((toplevel (magit-toplevel directory))) (setq directory (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name directory))) (if (and toplevel (file-equal-p directory toplevel)) (magit-status-setup-buffer directory) (if (y-or-n-p (if toplevel (format "%s is a repository.  Create another in %s? " toplevel directory) (format "Create repository in %s? " directory))) (progn (setq magit--refresh-cache nil) (magit-init directory))))) (magit-status-setup-buffer default-directory)))
  magit-status(nil ((75 . 29) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" magit-get-push-branch #("PSP-4678-fix-linux-compilation-1" 0 32 (face magit-branch-local font-lock-face magit-branch-local)) nil) . #("origin/PSP-4678-fix-linux-compilation-1" 0 39 (font-lock-face magit-branch-remote face magit-branch-remote))) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "symbolic-ref" #("refs/remotes/origin/HEAD" 13 19 (face magit-branch-remote font-lock-face magit-branch-remote))) . "refs/remotes/origin/master") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--verify" "HEAD~10") . "d7df5987962c5c0dd9270091c6ed29fdecc090da") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" . magit--insert-pushremote-log-p)) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" magit-get-upstream-branch nil) . #("origin/master" 0 13 (face magit-branch-remote font-lock-face magit-branch-remote))) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" magit-get-push-branch nil nil) . #("origin/master" 0 13 (font-lock-face magit-branch-remote face magit-branch-remote))) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--short" "HEAD~") . "c33e7741d") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--short" "HEAD") . "dc83fc68b") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--verify" "refs/stash") . "940fcadb6a8877c38843a6078e222536136fdb98") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--is-bare-repository") . "false\n") ("/home/st/src/atlas/" . "2.44.0") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "describe" "--contains" "HEAD")) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "describe" "--long" "--tags")) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--verify" #("origin/master" 0 13 (font-lock-face magit-branch-remote face magit-branch-remote))) . "dc83fc68bd5fc1305876cc86dab5a3d9715f173f") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" magit-get-push-branch "master" nil) . #("origin/master" 0 13 (font-lock-face magit-branch-remote face magit-branch-remote))) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "log" "--no-walk" "--format=%s" #("origin/master^{commit}" 0 13 (font-lock-face magit-branch-remote face magit-branch-remote)) "--") . "Merge branch 'PSP-4678-fix-linux-compilation-1' into 'master'") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" magit-get-upstream-branch "master") . #("origin/master" 0 13 (face magit-branch-remote font-lock-face magit-branch-remote))) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--verify" "--abbrev-ref" "master@{upstream}") . "origin/master") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "log" "--no-walk" "--format=%h %s" "HEAD^{commit}" "--") . "dc83fc68b Merge branch 'PSP-4678-fix-linux-compilation-1' into 'master'") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "symbolic-ref" "--short" "HEAD") . "master") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--verify" "HEAD") . "dc83fc68bd5fc1305876cc86dab5a3d9715f173f") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "symbolic-ref" "--short" "refs/remotes/origin/HEAD") . "origin/master") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" forge-get-repository full)) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "remote" "get-url" "origin") . "") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" . config) . #<hash-table equal 42/96 0x1e16cb3987dc ...>) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" magit-gitdir) . "/home/st/src/atlas/.git/") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--git-dir") . ".git") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" . magit-toplevel) . "/home/st/src/atlas/") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--show-toplevel") . "/home/st/src/atlas")))
  funcall-interactively(magit-status nil ((75 . 29) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" magit-get-push-branch #("PSP-4678-fix-linux-compilation-1" 0 32 (face magit-branch-local font-lock-face magit-branch-local)) nil) . #("origin/PSP-4678-fix-linux-compilation-1" 0 39 (font-lock-face magit-branch-remote face magit-branch-remote))) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "symbolic-ref" #("refs/remotes/origin/HEAD" 13 19 (face magit-branch-remote font-lock-face magit-branch-remote))) . "refs/remotes/origin/master") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--verify" "HEAD~10") . "d7df5987962c5c0dd9270091c6ed29fdecc090da") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" . magit--insert-pushremote-log-p)) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" magit-get-upstream-branch nil) . #("origin/master" 0 13 (face magit-branch-remote font-lock-face magit-branch-remote))) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" magit-get-push-branch nil nil) . #("origin/master" 0 13 (font-lock-face magit-branch-remote face magit-branch-remote))) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--short" "HEAD~") . "c33e7741d") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--short" "HEAD") . "dc83fc68b") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--verify" "refs/stash") . "940fcadb6a8877c38843a6078e222536136fdb98") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--is-bare-repository") . "false\n") ("/home/st/src/atlas/" . "2.44.0") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "describe" "--contains" "HEAD")) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "describe" "--long" "--tags")) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--verify" #("origin/master" 0 13 (font-lock-face magit-branch-remote face magit-branch-remote))) . "dc83fc68bd5fc1305876cc86dab5a3d9715f173f") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" magit-get-push-branch "master" nil) . #("origin/master" 0 13 (font-lock-face magit-branch-remote face magit-branch-remote))) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "log" "--no-walk" "--format=%s" #("origin/master^{commit}" 0 13 (font-lock-face magit-branch-remote face magit-branch-remote)) "--") . "Merge branch 'PSP-4678-fix-linux-compilation-1' into 'master'") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" magit-get-upstream-branch "master") . #("origin/master" 0 13 (face magit-branch-remote font-lock-face magit-branch-remote))) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--verify" "--abbrev-ref" "master@{upstream}") . "origin/master") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "log" "--no-walk" "--format=%h %s" "HEAD^{commit}" "--") . "dc83fc68b Merge branch 'PSP-4678-fix-linux-compilation-1' into 'master'") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "symbolic-ref" "--short" "HEAD") . "master") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--verify" "HEAD") . "dc83fc68bd5fc1305876cc86dab5a3d9715f173f") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "symbolic-ref" "--short" "refs/remotes/origin/HEAD") . "origin/master") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" forge-get-repository full)) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "remote" "get-url" "origin") . "") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" . config) . #<hash-table equal 42/96 0x1e16cb3987dc ...>) (("/home/st/src/atlas/" magit-gitdir) . "/home/st/src/atlas/.git/") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--git-dir") . ".git") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" . magit-toplevel) . "/home/st/src/atlas/") (("/home/st/src/atlas/" "rev-parse" "--show-toplevel") . "/home/st/src/atlas")))
  (let* ((buffer-file-path (if buffer-file-name (progn (file-relative-name buffer-file-name (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".git"))))) (default-directory (project-root (project-current))) (section-ident (cons (cons 'file buffer-file-path) '((unstaged) (status))))) (call-interactively #'magit-status) (let ((ignore-window-parameters t)) (delete-other-windows)) (if buffer-file-path (progn (goto-char (point-min)) (catch '--cl-block-nil-- (while (not (if (equal section-ident ...) (progn ... t))) (condition-case nil (magit-section-forward) (error (throw ... ...)))) nil))) (recenter))
  (closure (t) nil "Open a `magit-status' buffer and close the other window so only Magit is visible.\nIf a file was visited in the buffer that was active when this\ncommand was called, go to its unstaged changes section." (interactive) (let* ((buffer-file-path (if buffer-file-name (progn (file-relative-name buffer-file-name (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".git"))))) (default-directory (project-root (project-current))) (section-ident (cons (cons 'file buffer-file-path) '((unstaged) (status))))) (call-interactively #'magit-status) (let ((ignore-window-parameters t)) (delete-other-windows)) (if buffer-file-path (progn (goto-char (point-min)) (catch '--cl-block-nil-- (while (not (if ... ...)) (condition-case nil (magit-section-forward) (error ...))) nil))) (recenter)))()
  apply((closure (t) nil "Open a `magit-status' buffer and close the other window so only Magit is visible.\nIf a file was visited in the buffer that was active when this\ncommand was called, go to its unstaged changes section." (interactive) (let* ((buffer-file-path (if buffer-file-name (progn (file-relative-name buffer-file-name ...)))) (default-directory (project-root (project-current))) (section-ident (cons (cons 'file buffer-file-path) '(... ...)))) (call-interactively #'magit-status) (let ((ignore-window-parameters t)) (delete-other-windows)) (if buffer-file-path (progn (goto-char (point-min)) (catch '--cl-block-nil-- (while (not ...) (condition-case nil ... ...)) nil))) (recenter))) nil)

This is the version of forge-get-repository that is being run:

(cl-defmethod forge-get-repository (((host owner name) list)
                                    &optional remote demand)

Return the repository identified by HOST, OWNER and NAME.
See `forge-alist' for valid Git hosts."
  (if-let ((spec (forge--get-forge-host host t)))
      (pcase-let ((`(,githost ,apihost ,webhost ,class) spec))
        ;; The `webhost' is used to identify the corresponding forge.
        ;; For that reason it is stored in the `forge' slot.  The id
        ;; stored in the `id' slot also derives from that value.
        (let* ((row (car (forge-sql [:select * :from repository
                                     :where (and (= forge $s1)
                                                 (= owner $s2)
                                                 (= name  $s3))]
                                    webhost owner name)))
               (obj (and row (closql--remake-instance class (forge-db) row))))
          (when obj
            (oset obj apihost apihost)
            (oset obj githost githost)
            (oset obj remote  remote))
          (cond ((and (eq demand t)
                      (or (not obj)
                          (oref obj sparse-p)))
                 (error "Cannot use `%s' in %S yet.\n%s"
                        this-command (magit-toplevel)
                        "Use `M-x forge-add-repository' before trying again."))
                ((and obj
                      (oref obj sparse-p)
                      (eq demand 'full))
                 (setq obj nil)))
          (when (and (memq demand '(create stub maybe))
                     (not obj))
            (pcase-let ((`(,id . ,forge-id)
                          class webhost owner name
                          (memq demand '(stub maybe)))))
              ;; The repo might have been renamed on the forge.  #188
              (unless (setq obj (forge-get-repository :id id))
                (setq obj (funcall class
                                   :id       id
                                   :forge-id forge-id
                                   :forge    webhost
                                   :owner    owner
                                   :name     name
                                   :apihost  apihost
                                   :githost  githost
                                   :remote   remote))
                (when (eq demand 'create)
                  (closql-insert (forge-db) obj)))))
    (when (memq demand forge--signal-no-entry)
      (error "Cannot determine forge repository.  No entry for %S in %s"
             host 'forge-alist))))

I've been debugging this for a few hours and I'm stumped.

I'm using the latest Emacs.

I feel like some new Emacs commit broke Forge.

Same here.

According to the result of bisect with master branch of Emacs git repository, the problem starts with following commit.

commit c55694785e93212d1da5f96123288e596cb24f53
Merge: 4dd4f145b85 4372a056fef
Author:     Andrea Corallo <>
AuthorDate: Fri Mar 1 09:30:44 2024 +0100
Commit:     Andrea Corallo <>
CommitDate: Fri Mar 1 09:30:44 2024 +0100

    Merge branch 'feature/type-hierarchy' into 'master'

I think the problem is that the call (forge-get-repository nil) should match

(cl-defmethod forge-get-repository ((demand symbol) &optional remote) ..

instead of

(cl-defmethod forge-get-repository (((host owner name) list)
                                    &optional remote demand) ...

Maybe this is a upstream bug

Thanks for having this all ready to go, by the time I have made it out of bed. 💤 😀

I've pushed a fix.

Funny enough, I am working to replace the valid values for the demand argument with a more descriptive set (not including nil). Had I merged that already, we might not have noticed this at all. Or maybe it would just have become harder to debug. We might still have to handle the (forge-get-repository (thought-this-never-returns-nil)) case, if only to make debugging that easier.

I've pushed a fix.

Before you pushed your fix, I submitted a bug report to Emacs upstream thinking it was an upstream bug; is there anything that needs to be done upstream? If not, I will close that ticket.

Leave it open. It's good to have a place to discuss it.

Seems to work, indeed. Test-case:

(cl-defmethod xxx ((a symbol))
  (message "symbol: %s" a))

(cl-defmethod xxx (((a b) list))
  (message "list: (%s %s)" a b))

(xxx 'foo)
(xxx '(1 2))
(xxx nil)

I'll leave the kludge in forge in place for a few days.