magisterquis / catgolf

cat(1) golf

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

cat(1) golf

Pure league

  • No shell features involved
  • Only output on stdout
cat file.txt
awk 1 file.txt
paste file.txt
pv -q file.txt
grep '' file.txt
sort -m file.txt
sed -n p file.txt
cut -b 1- file.txt
jq -rRs . file.txt
perl -pe1 file.txt
sed '/*/p' file.txt
tail -n +1 file.txt
head -n -0 file.txt (GNU head)
gcc -E -P -xc file.txt
comm file.txt /dev/null (BSD comm)
cp file.txt /dev/stdout
scp file.txt /dev/stdout
w3m -dump_source file.txt
dd status=none if=file.txt (GNU dd)
hexdump -ve '"%c"' file.txt
openssl enc -none -in file.txt
curl file:///proc/self/cwd/file.txt
git -P grep --no-index -h ^ file.txt
bat --color=never --style=plain file.txt
diff --line-format=%L /dev/null file.txt
python -c 'print(open("file.txt").read()[:-1])'
vim -es --clean '+w! /dev/stdout' '+q!' file.txt
ffmpeg -v quiet -f data -i file.txt -map 0:0 -c text -f data -
emacs -Q --batch --eval '(princ (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents "file.txt") (buffer-string)))'

Pipe league

tee < file.txt
tr a a < file.txt
rev file.txt | rev
echo ',p' | ed -s file.txt

Error league

  • Same as pure but can have errors on stdout and stderr
dd if=file.txt
gcc -xc file.txt

Junk league

  • Same as error but most bytes from the file


cat(1) golf